10 key CRM functions to personalize the customer relationship

Today's competitive marketplace requires companies to create engaging customer experiences to attract prospects and guide them through the funnel.

Customers expect the same level of personalized engagement from brands of all sizes. Whether it's TV show recommendations, personalized conversations with a 24/7 chatbot, or exclusive inbox discounts, personalization is now essential no matter the business model.

Modern customer relationship management (CRM) software can provide that personal touch. Whether it's identifying sales-ready leads, providing context for personalized engagement, or getting AI suggestions for next best steps, a modern, easy-to-use CRM platform is the need of the hour for any business.

But first, let's talk about what a CRM tool is.

What is CRM Software?

While there are many definitions for a CRM solution, CRM helps a business keep every prospect or customer interaction and every transaction under one roof. The software brings teams together and reduces errors by automating activities and generating reports.

While a modern CRM tool increases your team's performance and helps achieve sales goals, a one-size-fits-all mindset isn't the best way to approach CRM. So how do you customize CRM software to solve your problems?

Let's find out.

10 functions of CRM software

To get the most out of CRM platforms, consider some key features.

1. Contact rating

Generate leads. Track their interactions with your business. Qualify them. Engage with them. Repeat. Phew!

Tracking these steps manually is a nightmare, isn't it? It's not just cumbersome for your reps; in most cases, this results in a clogged pipeline. Choosing a modern CRM platform can reduce the manual workload of your reps by using templates that automate contact scoring. How?

AI-powered lead scoring identifies the best-fit contacts for your business using positive and negative signals that you define based on your ideal customer profile. You assign scores to prospects by studying their engagement with your business.

The commitment includes: Visits to your website Interactions with business touchpoints Favorite content

Using the assigned score, your reps find qualified leads, then nurture and manage them. This way you ensure that qualified leads are not lost in the pipeline.

Nicely, AI can also suggest the best next action with leads so sales reps can nudge sales-ready leads further down the sales funnel a little faster.

Are your reps on a coffee break? Carefree. AI can automate conversations in their absence. Contact scoring helps your reps close deals faster and reduce churn while your leads are still hot.

2. Contact management

Using bulky tools like spreadsheets to store your customer details is outdated. In contrast, the contact management functionality in your CRM software is based!

The contact management feature within the CRM ensures that you have all of your prospect and customer information stored in a single, perpetually accessible database. To get full access to your customer information, find the 360° view in your CRM. This global vision of a customer brings together the data reported by different teams in a single tool and avoids internal silos.

Whether providing key customer information or highlighting ongoing deals, contact management support representatives with the information needed to close deals. What's great is that contact management also helps sales reps take action from the same screen.

Schedule follow-ups, set up meetings with prospects, or track interactions by taking notes or recording conversations. Some modern CRM solutions for software as a service also provide qualified lead scoring for more contextual engagement.

3. Workflow

Dishwasher. Slow cookers. Roombas. What do they all have in common? They perform routine tasks for you so you can focus on other more important tasks.

Did you know your CRM software could do the same for you and your team using workflows? With workflows, you can automate routine tasks, like welcome and registration emails, reducing the manual tasks reps have to perform and increasing productivity. In fact, most people spend less than 25%

10 key CRM functions to personalize the customer relationship

Today's competitive marketplace requires companies to create engaging customer experiences to attract prospects and guide them through the funnel.

Customers expect the same level of personalized engagement from brands of all sizes. Whether it's TV show recommendations, personalized conversations with a 24/7 chatbot, or exclusive inbox discounts, personalization is now essential no matter the business model.

Modern customer relationship management (CRM) software can provide that personal touch. Whether it's identifying sales-ready leads, providing context for personalized engagement, or getting AI suggestions for next best steps, a modern, easy-to-use CRM platform is the need of the hour for any business.

But first, let's talk about what a CRM tool is.

What is CRM Software?

While there are many definitions for a CRM solution, CRM helps a business keep every prospect or customer interaction and every transaction under one roof. The software brings teams together and reduces errors by automating activities and generating reports.

While a modern CRM tool increases your team's performance and helps achieve sales goals, a one-size-fits-all mindset isn't the best way to approach CRM. So how do you customize CRM software to solve your problems?

Let's find out.

10 functions of CRM software

To get the most out of CRM platforms, consider some key features.

1. Contact rating

Generate leads. Track their interactions with your business. Qualify them. Engage with them. Repeat. Phew!

Tracking these steps manually is a nightmare, isn't it? It's not just cumbersome for your reps; in most cases, this results in a clogged pipeline. Choosing a modern CRM platform can reduce the manual workload of your reps by using templates that automate contact scoring. How?

AI-powered lead scoring identifies the best-fit contacts for your business using positive and negative signals that you define based on your ideal customer profile. You assign scores to prospects by studying their engagement with your business.

The commitment includes: Visits to your website Interactions with business touchpoints Favorite content

Using the assigned score, your reps find qualified leads, then nurture and manage them. This way you ensure that qualified leads are not lost in the pipeline.

Nicely, AI can also suggest the best next action with leads so sales reps can nudge sales-ready leads further down the sales funnel a little faster.

Are your reps on a coffee break? Carefree. AI can automate conversations in their absence. Contact scoring helps your reps close deals faster and reduce churn while your leads are still hot.

2. Contact management

Using bulky tools like spreadsheets to store your customer details is outdated. In contrast, the contact management functionality in your CRM software is based!

The contact management feature within the CRM ensures that you have all of your prospect and customer information stored in a single, perpetually accessible database. To get full access to your customer information, find the 360° view in your CRM. This global vision of a customer brings together the data reported by different teams in a single tool and avoids internal silos.

Whether providing key customer information or highlighting ongoing deals, contact management support representatives with the information needed to close deals. What's great is that contact management also helps sales reps take action from the same screen.

Schedule follow-ups, set up meetings with prospects, or track interactions by taking notes or recording conversations. Some modern CRM solutions for software as a service also provide qualified lead scoring for more contextual engagement.

3. Workflow

Dishwasher. Slow cookers. Roombas. What do they all have in common? They perform routine tasks for you so you can focus on other more important tasks.

Did you know your CRM software could do the same for you and your team using workflows? With workflows, you can automate routine tasks, like welcome and registration emails, reducing the manual tasks reps have to perform and increasing productivity. In fact, most people spend less than 25%

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