Hurdles ahead of Aiyedatiwa as Ondo APC gears up for governorship primaries

THE do that Governor Lucky Aiyedatiwa of Ondo State East In power can necessarily not guarantee him THE of the governor ticket of THE decision All Progressives Congress (APC) following month When THE primary election East detained. SÉUN AKINGBOYE writing that THE holder will need has cross A plot of obstacles which include THE negative perception against her person, THE alleged conspiracy among other competitors has ensure he lose out, among others.

THE suddenly disappearance of THE immediate pass Governor of Ondo State, Arakunrin Oluwarotimi Odunayo Akeredolu (SAN), has has been a few sort of Pandora box politically For her successor, Lucky Aiyedatiwa, WHO East hustle For THE All Progressives Congress (APC) governorship ticket following month. As A holder, a lot to wait for that get THE ticket of THE to party would be be A easy to go up For him but that East far Since reality. There are A plot of obstacles For him has cross Before he can earn THE ticket And maybe THE main governorship election.

Reminder that Aiyedatiwa confronted A plot of challenges In THE late Akeredolu cupboard on transmission of power has him When THE late governor was sick. A caucus of THE cupboard And decision to party accused him of insubordination And disloyalty has her ancient chief while on THE sick bed. SO, THE Home of Assembly denied has to transmit power has him as Acting Governor while Akeredolu was on medical leave. There were even efforts has to accuse him but has No enjoy. He took THE intervention of a few age statesmen And President Bolas Ahmed Tinubu For Aiyedatiwa has be do THE Acting Governor while Akeredolu was receive treatment In Germany.

Fortunately For him And Unfortunately For THE Akéti policy family In Ondo State, Akeredolu gave up THE ghost In Germany on December 27, 2023; And Aiyedatiwa was sworn In has complete THE two term mandate. He was expected that THE disappearance of Akeredolu would be calm THE stormy policy waters In THE State but he further escalation THE crisis between THE holder governor And THE camp loyal has her late chief, WHO allege that he publicly jubilee on her predecessors misfortunes.

A ancient Commissioner In Akeredolu cupboard, WHO pleaded anonymity, alleged that Aiyedatiwa, as assistant governor, had wish Akeredolu dead When he was In A sick lit.

"He publicly asserted he has THE Cocoa Conference Room during her to take an oath ceremony, shortly After Aketi the death was announcement, that he had Never wish her chief has to recover Since THE illness.

"Or how would be You describe her despair that he doesn't even consider he RIGHT has give Akéti A minute of silence during THE occasion. Even how raw would be anybody describe her REMARK, applause her supporters that 'A kuorireooo.' Congratulations For What ? That Akéti deceased? It is THE height of he," THE source said.

This, according to has a lot The politicians friendly has THE Akéti family, was A of THE the reasons THE cabal In THE cupboard do moves not has hand on power has him while THE late Akeredolu onboard on medical leave.

Aiyedatiwa East Also said has be life with THE moral burdens of dissolution Akeredolu cupboard on January 24, 2024, Before her funeral, which do not go GOOD with THE affected people named And a lot people friendly has THE deceased.

Public business analysts In THE State believe that these bitter allegations would be create bumps on THE governor road has pick up THE APC governorship ticket In April.

A APC clan leader In THE State, Chief Francis Metibemu, said: "He was A tragic default by A tragic hero trying has redeem her situation but commit more errors. I expected him has give her chief that last respect by allowing all THE cupboard members has attend THE funeral has pay their last respect has their ancient boss.

"A wise politician should not tread that path has seek revenge Or Vendetta on her contemporaries all just because he East favored on them. This will create more enemies that friendship, And will Ultimately ruin her odds. »

From Aiyedatiwa became THE governor of THE State, he has received A series of licks For deliberately manufacturing moves has bring a lot enemies of her ancient chief has desk by contemptuous THE last In What a few sentenced as A lost move.

THE choice of her Deputy, Olayide Adelami And secretary has THE State Government (SSG), Tayo Toukana, had generated A plot of concerns next to other recent appointment, which suggests A voluntary move has draw Aketi policy enemies closer has himself.

Also, a lot APC members to have has been disappointed with THE governor For her romance with A ancient governor And Peoples Democratic To party (PDP) chief In THE State, Dr. Olusegun Mimiko, And THE apparent authoritarian influence of THE former governor In her government.

A few APC members to accuse Aiyedatiwa of give up to party members has appoint Mimiko helpers And loyalists has her government despite THE do that THE people named are card holder members of THE PDP.


Hurdles ahead of Aiyedatiwa as Ondo APC gears up for governorship primaries

THE do that Governor Lucky Aiyedatiwa of Ondo State East In power can necessarily not guarantee him THE of the governor ticket of THE decision All Progressives Congress (APC) following month When THE primary election East detained. SÉUN AKINGBOYE writing that THE holder will need has cross A plot of obstacles which include THE negative perception against her person, THE alleged conspiracy among other competitors has ensure he lose out, among others.

THE suddenly disappearance of THE immediate pass Governor of Ondo State, Arakunrin Oluwarotimi Odunayo Akeredolu (SAN), has has been a few sort of Pandora box politically For her successor, Lucky Aiyedatiwa, WHO East hustle For THE All Progressives Congress (APC) governorship ticket following month. As A holder, a lot to wait for that get THE ticket of THE to party would be be A easy to go up For him but that East far Since reality. There are A plot of obstacles For him has cross Before he can earn THE ticket And maybe THE main governorship election.

Reminder that Aiyedatiwa confronted A plot of challenges In THE late Akeredolu cupboard on transmission of power has him When THE late governor was sick. A caucus of THE cupboard And decision to party accused him of insubordination And disloyalty has her ancient chief while on THE sick bed. SO, THE Home of Assembly denied has to transmit power has him as Acting Governor while Akeredolu was on medical leave. There were even efforts has to accuse him but has No enjoy. He took THE intervention of a few age statesmen And President Bolas Ahmed Tinubu For Aiyedatiwa has be do THE Acting Governor while Akeredolu was receive treatment In Germany.

Fortunately For him And Unfortunately For THE Akéti policy family In Ondo State, Akeredolu gave up THE ghost In Germany on December 27, 2023; And Aiyedatiwa was sworn In has complete THE two term mandate. He was expected that THE disappearance of Akeredolu would be calm THE stormy policy waters In THE State but he further escalation THE crisis between THE holder governor And THE camp loyal has her late chief, WHO allege that he publicly jubilee on her predecessors misfortunes.

A ancient Commissioner In Akeredolu cupboard, WHO pleaded anonymity, alleged that Aiyedatiwa, as assistant governor, had wish Akeredolu dead When he was In A sick lit.

"He publicly asserted he has THE Cocoa Conference Room during her to take an oath ceremony, shortly After Aketi the death was announcement, that he had Never wish her chief has to recover Since THE illness.

"Or how would be You describe her despair that he doesn't even consider he RIGHT has give Akéti A minute of silence during THE occasion. Even how raw would be anybody describe her REMARK, applause her supporters that 'A kuorireooo.' Congratulations For What ? That Akéti deceased? It is THE height of he," THE source said.

This, according to has a lot The politicians friendly has THE Akéti family, was A of THE the reasons THE cabal In THE cupboard do moves not has hand on power has him while THE late Akeredolu onboard on medical leave.

Aiyedatiwa East Also said has be life with THE moral burdens of dissolution Akeredolu cupboard on January 24, 2024, Before her funeral, which do not go GOOD with THE affected people named And a lot people friendly has THE deceased.

Public business analysts In THE State believe that these bitter allegations would be create bumps on THE governor road has pick up THE APC governorship ticket In April.

A APC clan leader In THE State, Chief Francis Metibemu, said: "He was A tragic default by A tragic hero trying has redeem her situation but commit more errors. I expected him has give her chief that last respect by allowing all THE cupboard members has attend THE funeral has pay their last respect has their ancient boss.

"A wise politician should not tread that path has seek revenge Or Vendetta on her contemporaries all just because he East favored on them. This will create more enemies that friendship, And will Ultimately ruin her odds. »

From Aiyedatiwa became THE governor of THE State, he has received A series of licks For deliberately manufacturing moves has bring a lot enemies of her ancient chief has desk by contemptuous THE last In What a few sentenced as A lost move.

THE choice of her Deputy, Olayide Adelami And secretary has THE State Government (SSG), Tayo Toukana, had generated A plot of concerns next to other recent appointment, which suggests A voluntary move has draw Aketi policy enemies closer has himself.

Also, a lot APC members to have has been disappointed with THE governor For her romance with A ancient governor And Peoples Democratic To party (PDP) chief In THE State, Dr. Olusegun Mimiko, And THE apparent authoritarian influence of THE former governor In her government.

A few APC members to accuse Aiyedatiwa of give up to party members has appoint Mimiko helpers And loyalists has her government despite THE do that THE people named are card holder members of THE PDP.


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