10 Traits You Need to Succeed as a Startup Employee

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

You know that before accepting a startup job, you need courage. Strong growing, fast paced, they are dynamic and nurturing in nature. In other words, someone who crushed it in their publicly traded organization of 50,000 employees might feel underwater in a Series B company (and vice versa). So what are you looking for in a startup candidate? What traits do you cultivate so you can grow and thrive?

Mask | Getty Images

If you're new to the wild world of startups, I'm here to be your guide. I've done thousands of hours of behavioral research and worked with every type of startup under the sun. Over the years, I've compiled a set of 10 essential traits for employees to possess, develop, and nurture. Do you know what it takes to be successful? Find out now.

Related: 4 Essential Skills Needed to Thrive as a Startup Employee

The traits you need to thrive in a fast-paced environment

Startups are created from scratch. This means that when you accept a job, you also accept uncertainty, fluidity and regular pivots. To be successful in this type of environment, employees need to progress in the following areas:

Ambiguity Tolerance: Does the term "grey area" give you stress or energy? It is imperative not only to be comfortable with ambiguous situations, but to see them as desirable, interesting and as a chance to solve complex or new problems.

Flexibility: Being flexible is key for startup employees. They will frequently be asked to pivot, and they should do so without anger or resentment. They must also be comfortable with multiple tasks or ways of working, some of which may be outside the scope of their role.

Openness to learning: Every startup is a learning lab. Employees should seek to challenge the , ask for feedback, get other points of view and engage in discussions that will help improve the team.

Traits you need to work well with others

Lone wolves don't succeed in startups. An employee's attitude toward cross-functional collaboration will make or break their success. Here are the qualities startup employees need to have if they want to achieve interpersonal victories:

Emotional Intelligence: In an ever-changing environment, you'll need to read a piece quickly and adjust your approach in real time. You also need to be able to regulate your emotions. Startups can be stressful, and you shouldn't let the negative energy affect your colleagues.

Conflict Management: Recognize when there is a problem and take action to resolve it. Startups are notoriously short on time, so if you can tackle problems head-on, solve them, and move on, you'll prove your worth — fast.

Team Support: Regardless of your rank and title, you should recognize and appreciate the efforts of your teammates. Speak up publicly when people are doing a good job. This will help everyone stay motivated, even in the most difficult sections.

Knowledge Sharing: Important in all jobs, but especially in startups. Share industry knowledge, context and resources with others so everyone — and everything — can act fast.

The traits you need to perform at your best

Priorities can change on a dime, and startup employees have to deal with constant changes and competing demands. If clear guardrails and processes are a requirement for you, you may need to look elsewhere. But if you possess the following characteristics, you probably have what it takes to succeed in a startup:

Personal initiative: a to-do list delivered on a...

10 Traits You Need to Succeed as a Startup Employee

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

You know that before accepting a startup job, you need courage. Strong growing, fast paced, they are dynamic and nurturing in nature. In other words, someone who crushed it in their publicly traded organization of 50,000 employees might feel underwater in a Series B company (and vice versa). So what are you looking for in a startup candidate? What traits do you cultivate so you can grow and thrive?

Mask | Getty Images

If you're new to the wild world of startups, I'm here to be your guide. I've done thousands of hours of behavioral research and worked with every type of startup under the sun. Over the years, I've compiled a set of 10 essential traits for employees to possess, develop, and nurture. Do you know what it takes to be successful? Find out now.

Related: 4 Essential Skills Needed to Thrive as a Startup Employee

The traits you need to thrive in a fast-paced environment

Startups are created from scratch. This means that when you accept a job, you also accept uncertainty, fluidity and regular pivots. To be successful in this type of environment, employees need to progress in the following areas:

Ambiguity Tolerance: Does the term "grey area" give you stress or energy? It is imperative not only to be comfortable with ambiguous situations, but to see them as desirable, interesting and as a chance to solve complex or new problems.

Flexibility: Being flexible is key for startup employees. They will frequently be asked to pivot, and they should do so without anger or resentment. They must also be comfortable with multiple tasks or ways of working, some of which may be outside the scope of their role.

Openness to learning: Every startup is a learning lab. Employees should seek to challenge the , ask for feedback, get other points of view and engage in discussions that will help improve the team.

Traits you need to work well with others

Lone wolves don't succeed in startups. An employee's attitude toward cross-functional collaboration will make or break their success. Here are the qualities startup employees need to have if they want to achieve interpersonal victories:

Emotional Intelligence: In an ever-changing environment, you'll need to read a piece quickly and adjust your approach in real time. You also need to be able to regulate your emotions. Startups can be stressful, and you shouldn't let the negative energy affect your colleagues.

Conflict Management: Recognize when there is a problem and take action to resolve it. Startups are notoriously short on time, so if you can tackle problems head-on, solve them, and move on, you'll prove your worth — fast.

Team Support: Regardless of your rank and title, you should recognize and appreciate the efforts of your teammates. Speak up publicly when people are doing a good job. This will help everyone stay motivated, even in the most difficult sections.

Knowledge Sharing: Important in all jobs, but especially in startups. Share industry knowledge, context and resources with others so everyone — and everything — can act fast.

The traits you need to perform at your best

Priorities can change on a dime, and startup employees have to deal with constant changes and competing demands. If clear guardrails and processes are a requirement for you, you may need to look elsewhere. But if you possess the following characteristics, you probably have what it takes to succeed in a startup:

Personal initiative: a to-do list delivered on a...

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