Hackaday Supercon 2022 speakers will inspire you

The return of Supercon will take place in barely a month. We have 45 fantastic talks and workshops planned for the three-day weekend, and they're as varied and inspiring as the Hackaday community itself. From molecules to military connectors, here are a dozen conferences to whet your appetite.

Supercon is the Ultimate Hardware Conference and you have to be there! We will continue to announce speakers and workshops over the next two weeks. Supercon will sell out so get your tickets now before it's too late. And stay tuned for the next round of talks to be revealed next week!

Ben KrasnowCounting Molecules: Chemical Identification at Parts-Per-Trillion Levels

An overview of laboratory techniques that can measure ultra-low concentrations. This talk will also cover important applications such as lead in drinking water (or wine!) and how to build your own detector.

Michael Whiteley There is no rev. 2: When Badgelife goes wrong

What happens when you create thousands of badges and then have a problem? There's no time or budget to redo them, so what do you do? Come listen to the stories from the #badgelife trenches and learn from my mistakes.

Hackaday Supercon 2022 speakers will inspire you

The return of Supercon will take place in barely a month. We have 45 fantastic talks and workshops planned for the three-day weekend, and they're as varied and inspiring as the Hackaday community itself. From molecules to military connectors, here are a dozen conferences to whet your appetite.

Supercon is the Ultimate Hardware Conference and you have to be there! We will continue to announce speakers and workshops over the next two weeks. Supercon will sell out so get your tickets now before it's too late. And stay tuned for the next round of talks to be revealed next week!

Ben KrasnowCounting Molecules: Chemical Identification at Parts-Per-Trillion Levels

An overview of laboratory techniques that can measure ultra-low concentrations. This talk will also cover important applications such as lead in drinking water (or wine!) and how to build your own detector.

Michael Whiteley There is no rev. 2: When Badgelife goes wrong

What happens when you create thousands of badges and then have a problem? There's no time or budget to redo them, so what do you do? Come listen to the stories from the #badgelife trenches and learn from my mistakes.

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