2023: Braimoh urges Kogi residents to elect competent candidates

The people of Kogi State have been advised to be very careful and discerning in deciding which candidates to vote for in next year's presidential, national and state elections.


In a statement released from his office in Lokoja, a businessman, Olayinka Braimoh, said the people must not allow any other consideration to influence their vote other than the general interest of the state and the competence, experience and ability of the candidates.

Braimoh noted that in the general election, the Kogi State electorate should only vote for a president who is passionate about the state, knows its potential, opportunities and problems and has realistic ideas for the state. resolve.

He added that the people of the state should not only allow presidential candidates to visit the state just to hold rallies, but should encourage candidates to hold public meetings in the state. State where they can dig in and talk about their ideas. to transform state resources into enterprises that can create jobs, prosperity and a high standard of living for the population.

"We need to find ways to get our local party leaders to convince the presidential candidates of their respective parties to speak with the people through town halls and not just at rallies.< /p>

"Furthermore, in a state like ours where the gubernatorial election is held the opposite of the general election, our people must be careful, punctilious and diligent to ensure that they vote for competent candidates for federal and state legislators.They should seek candidates for the Senate and House of Representatives who can influence federal projects, policies, and facilities that can benefit our people.

“Our people should elect candidates for seats in the National Assembly who can truly represent the interests of the people. Also, candidates for the state House of Assembly must be well vetted. It should be noted that those elected will serve under at least two governors - the incumbent and his successor. They must therefore be capable men and women, dynamic people and committed patriots who will help the next governor to bring the desired development and rapid changes to the state.

“There is no reason for there to be youth unemployment, the resulting crime and endemic poverty that we have in our state. A state with such potential for agriculture, a state that shares a border with the federal capital and nine other states, a state with such a large expanse of water, a potential tourist destination, a state with enormous capital human, and many more.

"It is important that we get it right in 2023. We must only appoint politicians to power who care about the people. We must completely rewrite the history of Kogi State and make it history in government helps people realize their potential and live happily ever after,” Braimoh said.

2023: Braimoh urges Kogi residents to elect competent candidates

The people of Kogi State have been advised to be very careful and discerning in deciding which candidates to vote for in next year's presidential, national and state elections.


In a statement released from his office in Lokoja, a businessman, Olayinka Braimoh, said the people must not allow any other consideration to influence their vote other than the general interest of the state and the competence, experience and ability of the candidates.

Braimoh noted that in the general election, the Kogi State electorate should only vote for a president who is passionate about the state, knows its potential, opportunities and problems and has realistic ideas for the state. resolve.

He added that the people of the state should not only allow presidential candidates to visit the state just to hold rallies, but should encourage candidates to hold public meetings in the state. State where they can dig in and talk about their ideas. to transform state resources into enterprises that can create jobs, prosperity and a high standard of living for the population.

"We need to find ways to get our local party leaders to convince the presidential candidates of their respective parties to speak with the people through town halls and not just at rallies.< /p>

"Furthermore, in a state like ours where the gubernatorial election is held the opposite of the general election, our people must be careful, punctilious and diligent to ensure that they vote for competent candidates for federal and state legislators.They should seek candidates for the Senate and House of Representatives who can influence federal projects, policies, and facilities that can benefit our people.

“Our people should elect candidates for seats in the National Assembly who can truly represent the interests of the people. Also, candidates for the state House of Assembly must be well vetted. It should be noted that those elected will serve under at least two governors - the incumbent and his successor. They must therefore be capable men and women, dynamic people and committed patriots who will help the next governor to bring the desired development and rapid changes to the state.

“There is no reason for there to be youth unemployment, the resulting crime and endemic poverty that we have in our state. A state with such potential for agriculture, a state that shares a border with the federal capital and nine other states, a state with such a large expanse of water, a potential tourist destination, a state with enormous capital human, and many more.

"It is important that we get it right in 2023. We must only appoint politicians to power who care about the people. We must completely rewrite the history of Kogi State and make it history in government helps people realize their potential and live happily ever after,” Braimoh said.

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