2023 Election: Five A'Ibom Guber Candidates Sign Open Government Manifesto

Five gubernatorial candidates from Akwa Ibom State signed an open government manifesto during the gubernatorial debate organized by the National Chapter of the Union of Nigerian Journalists, NUJ.< /p>

The signing of the Open Government Manifesto―to show that the candidate is ready to lead an open government agenda if elected―was facilitated by the non-governmental organization Policy Alert.

The debate, held at Ibom Icon and Golf Resort, Uyo, featured African Action Congress Governor candidates Iboro Otu, Ezekiel Nyaetok of the African Democratic Congress and Dr David Essien of the Democratic Action Party. The others were Senator John James Akpanudoeghe of the New Nigeria Peoples Party and Senator Bassey Akpan of the Young Progressives Party.

Gubernatorial candidates from the People's Democratic Party, Pastor Umo Eno and Akanimo Udofia of the All Progressives Congress were absent.

Speaking during the presentation, Policy Alert Senior Program Officer Mfon Gabriel explained that the Open Government Policy is an initiative to make government more transparent, accountable and participatory.


He revealed that since Nigeria signed the OGP in 2016, only 25 states have so far signed the policy, lamenting that Akwa Ibom is one of three Niger Delta states that have not have not yet signed the partnership. .

Mfon noted that the Niger Delta presents an interesting case for implementing subnational open government, as states in the region currently receive high federally allocated revenues compared to other states.< /p>

According to him: "The signing of the manifesto is part of an OpenGovTownHall series implemented by the Niger Delta Open Government Observatory (NOGO), a civil society cluster working to strengthen the adoption and implementation of OGP in the region”.

2023 Election: Five A'Ibom Guber Candidates Sign Open Government Manifesto

Five gubernatorial candidates from Akwa Ibom State signed an open government manifesto during the gubernatorial debate organized by the National Chapter of the Union of Nigerian Journalists, NUJ.< /p>

The signing of the Open Government Manifesto―to show that the candidate is ready to lead an open government agenda if elected―was facilitated by the non-governmental organization Policy Alert.

The debate, held at Ibom Icon and Golf Resort, Uyo, featured African Action Congress Governor candidates Iboro Otu, Ezekiel Nyaetok of the African Democratic Congress and Dr David Essien of the Democratic Action Party. The others were Senator John James Akpanudoeghe of the New Nigeria Peoples Party and Senator Bassey Akpan of the Young Progressives Party.

Gubernatorial candidates from the People's Democratic Party, Pastor Umo Eno and Akanimo Udofia of the All Progressives Congress were absent.

Speaking during the presentation, Policy Alert Senior Program Officer Mfon Gabriel explained that the Open Government Policy is an initiative to make government more transparent, accountable and participatory.


He revealed that since Nigeria signed the OGP in 2016, only 25 states have so far signed the policy, lamenting that Akwa Ibom is one of three Niger Delta states that have not have not yet signed the partnership. .

Mfon noted that the Niger Delta presents an interesting case for implementing subnational open government, as states in the region currently receive high federally allocated revenues compared to other states.< /p>

According to him: "The signing of the manifesto is part of an OpenGovTownHall series implemented by the Niger Delta Open Government Observatory (NOGO), a civil society cluster working to strengthen the adoption and implementation of OGP in the region”.

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