3 Strategies Investors Could Use to Trade the Next Ethereum Merger

Investors have developed their strategies to manage the volatility that may arise during the Ethereum merger. Here are a few to consider.

3 strategies investors might use to trade the upcoming Ethereum Merge Market news

The long-awaited transition of the Ethereum network from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake is set to take place September 15-16 and over the past year traders and analysts have been discussing various outcomes for the implementation. level and possible commercial strategies.

Let's take a look at the three options available to investors and traders.

Hodl ETH to win the expected "hardfork" token

The first strategy is relatively simple. Traders can simply buy Ether (ETH) from the spot market and hold it in their exchange wallet, or any platform/wallet that supports forked tokens, and wait for the expected PoW token .

In 2017, when Bitcoin was forked into Bitcoin Cash, BTC holders received an equal amount of BCH, which at one point traded for $1,650 per token. At the height of the 2021 bull market, BCH shot up to $800.

If the PoW tokens of those entities choosing to ignore the merge occur, then finding exchanges that support hard forks would be the place to sell them. Don't forget to pay your taxes if your country requires you to.

Once people understand that speed to market no longer matters in the face of centralization, censorship and to the depositaries, it will be too late.

Protocol level censorship is coming. More guardians are coming.

How much power do you think the United States has over a publicly traded company?

ETH pic.twitter.com/SywlcnZ0tC

— $nadjritzcalod (@nadjritzcalod) August 16, 2022

It is also possible that ETH PoW tokens may not pump and clear immediately. Many analysts are sounding about the risk of centralization...

3 Strategies Investors Could Use to Trade the Next Ethereum Merger

Investors have developed their strategies to manage the volatility that may arise during the Ethereum merger. Here are a few to consider.

3 strategies investors might use to trade the upcoming Ethereum Merge Market news

The long-awaited transition of the Ethereum network from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake is set to take place September 15-16 and over the past year traders and analysts have been discussing various outcomes for the implementation. level and possible commercial strategies.

Let's take a look at the three options available to investors and traders.

Hodl ETH to win the expected "hardfork" token

The first strategy is relatively simple. Traders can simply buy Ether (ETH) from the spot market and hold it in their exchange wallet, or any platform/wallet that supports forked tokens, and wait for the expected PoW token .

In 2017, when Bitcoin was forked into Bitcoin Cash, BTC holders received an equal amount of BCH, which at one point traded for $1,650 per token. At the height of the 2021 bull market, BCH shot up to $800.

If the PoW tokens of those entities choosing to ignore the merge occur, then finding exchanges that support hard forks would be the place to sell them. Don't forget to pay your taxes if your country requires you to.

Once people understand that speed to market no longer matters in the face of centralization, censorship and to the depositaries, it will be too late.

Protocol level censorship is coming. More guardians are coming.

How much power do you think the United States has over a publicly traded company?

ETH pic.twitter.com/SywlcnZ0tC

— $nadjritzcalod (@nadjritzcalod) August 16, 2022

It is also possible that ETH PoW tokens may not pump and clear immediately. Many analysts are sounding about the risk of centralization...

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