6 questions for JW Verret — the blockchain professor who follows the money

J.W. Verret East A Educated at Harvard lawyer WHO taught business finance And accounting has George Mason University. Her work has more and more recut with THE cryptocurrency sector In recent years, as her legion of Twitter followers — WHO know him as "," Or THE Blockchain Teacher — are poignantly conscious.

Next to Since her work has GMU, Verret has become known as A vocal lawyer For crypto as THE high big boss has Cryptocurrency Freedom Laboratory, A think reservoir struggle devoted has conservation "freedom And confidentiality For crypto developers And users." He Also serves as A professional legal witness For accused accused — unfairly, Verret would be argue — of escape financial monitoring laws, And East creation A book, temporarily title “Blockchain Confidentiality And Forensic medicine. In between, he find time has serve as A regular journalist For Cointelegraph.

I spent 15 years as A libertarian regulatory/financial person, in writing he, reflection he In Washington, D.C. For THE First of all ten years, I lost All I fought For In THE Dodd-Frank era.

THE thing with crypto East that It is has been A freedom revolution In finance. He fixes, Or goals has fix, problems In finance that government regulation only goals has fix. Regulation entrenchments intermediaries Or crypto fixes problems by eliminate THE need For those intermediaries. And that was very interesting has Me.

2) You served on THE DRY Investor Advisory Committee, but you have Also has been very vocal In criticize SECOND President Gary Gensler. How was that experience?

He was GOOD. I replaced Hester Pierce When She became A SECOND Commissioner. I wrote A plot of dissents as A Committee member, SO I hope I did Hester proud, but I TO DO not think they go invite Me back In THE future below THE current president. He seems as he is has been trying has just destroy This industry.

He I could have reached out has THE industry has to try has TO DO things work, but he has No interest In that, And he is for follow-up a few of THE best actors In crypto — Coinbase And Kraken — while ignore THE the worst.

3) You are A vocal partisan of ZCash. Explain your interest there.

Zcash East as Bitcoin, but private. It's a A great invention. Anyone THE developers were deserve A Nobel Prize Price.

I own A plot of Bitcoin. I think It is A tremendous innovation. But For day by day Payments, I think We need a few confidentiality, And It is hard has get that with Bitcoin. I am Also A fan of Monero. which has a few pretty GOOD confidentiality technology. But they are both pretty GOOD projects — It is possible has as both THE Rolling Rocks And THE Beatles.

Also read:

There are No other confidentiality tokens that are In THE even approximate stage. There are a few that are Really neat innovations, but they are not has THE level You need has to have THE even confidentiality. Other projects I am very excited about are Samurai Wallet And Sparrow Wallet, which offer A little of confidentiality For Bitcoin transactions.

4) On that note, how TO DO You think THE future of crypto East going has be defined ? East he going has be defined as A path has reach bigger confidentiality In transaction? Will he be defined by efficiency In THE sense that It is Easier has to use that traditional finance instruments? Will he be defined by crime? Or will he be a few blend of these?

It is A interesting question. I think he will be a few combination of all those things. Crime East often A essay ground For new technology. He certainly was For THE the Internet. In THE 1990s, A plot of the criminals used THE the Internet. I think THE The Strongest forces In determine What cryptos survive will be a few blend of efficiency And ladder, but I think confidentiality will be A part of he. As Governments And big companies struggle back against without trust, disintermediated property the transfers, THE only path has protect yourself will be through THE to use of confidentiality coins And confidentiality protocols.

I spend A plot of time as A legal an accountant, but I am Also In confidentiality. A few people think It is A conflict: How can You be confidentiality while Also following THE money? But I don't do it see that as A conflict has all. A few of THE people most In confidentiality WHO I know are legal investigators. I am A believer In public information. People should learn What he takes has be private. THE worse people tender not has be clever anyway ...

6 questions for JW Verret — the blockchain professor who follows the money

J.W. Verret East A Educated at Harvard lawyer WHO taught business finance And accounting has George Mason University. Her work has more and more recut with THE cryptocurrency sector In recent years, as her legion of Twitter followers — WHO know him as "," Or THE Blockchain Teacher — are poignantly conscious.

Next to Since her work has GMU, Verret has become known as A vocal lawyer For crypto as THE high big boss has Cryptocurrency Freedom Laboratory, A think reservoir struggle devoted has conservation "freedom And confidentiality For crypto developers And users." He Also serves as A professional legal witness For accused accused — unfairly, Verret would be argue — of escape financial monitoring laws, And East creation A book, temporarily title “Blockchain Confidentiality And Forensic medicine. In between, he find time has serve as A regular journalist For Cointelegraph.

I spent 15 years as A libertarian regulatory/financial person, in writing he, reflection he In Washington, D.C. For THE First of all ten years, I lost All I fought For In THE Dodd-Frank era.

THE thing with crypto East that It is has been A freedom revolution In finance. He fixes, Or goals has fix, problems In finance that government regulation only goals has fix. Regulation entrenchments intermediaries Or crypto fixes problems by eliminate THE need For those intermediaries. And that was very interesting has Me.

2) You served on THE DRY Investor Advisory Committee, but you have Also has been very vocal In criticize SECOND President Gary Gensler. How was that experience?

He was GOOD. I replaced Hester Pierce When She became A SECOND Commissioner. I wrote A plot of dissents as A Committee member, SO I hope I did Hester proud, but I TO DO not think they go invite Me back In THE future below THE current president. He seems as he is has been trying has just destroy This industry.

He I could have reached out has THE industry has to try has TO DO things work, but he has No interest In that, And he is for follow-up a few of THE best actors In crypto — Coinbase And Kraken — while ignore THE the worst.

3) You are A vocal partisan of ZCash. Explain your interest there.

Zcash East as Bitcoin, but private. It's a A great invention. Anyone THE developers were deserve A Nobel Prize Price.

I own A plot of Bitcoin. I think It is A tremendous innovation. But For day by day Payments, I think We need a few confidentiality, And It is hard has get that with Bitcoin. I am Also A fan of Monero. which has a few pretty GOOD confidentiality technology. But they are both pretty GOOD projects — It is possible has as both THE Rolling Rocks And THE Beatles.

Also read:

There are No other confidentiality tokens that are In THE even approximate stage. There are a few that are Really neat innovations, but they are not has THE level You need has to have THE even confidentiality. Other projects I am very excited about are Samurai Wallet And Sparrow Wallet, which offer A little of confidentiality For Bitcoin transactions.

4) On that note, how TO DO You think THE future of crypto East going has be defined ? East he going has be defined as A path has reach bigger confidentiality In transaction? Will he be defined by efficiency In THE sense that It is Easier has to use that traditional finance instruments? Will he be defined by crime? Or will he be a few blend of these?

It is A interesting question. I think he will be a few combination of all those things. Crime East often A essay ground For new technology. He certainly was For THE the Internet. In THE 1990s, A plot of the criminals used THE the Internet. I think THE The Strongest forces In determine What cryptos survive will be a few blend of efficiency And ladder, but I think confidentiality will be A part of he. As Governments And big companies struggle back against without trust, disintermediated property the transfers, THE only path has protect yourself will be through THE to use of confidentiality coins And confidentiality protocols.

I spend A plot of time as A legal an accountant, but I am Also In confidentiality. A few people think It is A conflict: How can You be confidentiality while Also following THE money? But I don't do it see that as A conflict has all. A few of THE people most In confidentiality WHO I know are legal investigators. I am A believer In public information. People should learn What he takes has be private. THE worse people tender not has be clever anyway ...

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