A magical holiday in Formby and Merseyside's answer to Harry Potter's Forbidden Forest

Inside Merseyside's answer to Harry Potter's Forbidden Forest: Discover the natural delights of Formby, with spooky trees, red squirrels and a path that leads to a breathtaking beach. Formby Beach Forest, planted by the Formby family in 1784, sits on the West Lancashire coastal plain a 'cinematic' walk through the woods, Angela Epstein admires the 500 acres of sand dunes at Formby Beach She recommends to head further south to see Antony Gormley's art installation on Crosby Beach

But as we continue through a cross stitch of evergreens to reach the Formby beach on the West Lancashire coastal plain, a more vintage piece of cinema comes to mind: those creepy apple trees on the way to Oz, growling in spite when Dorothy tries to pick the overhanging fruit.< /p>

Anyway, it's worth the movie trip. Because when we emerge from the dark, cool forest, the view - and the gusty breeze - is breathtaking: 500 hectares of sand dunes and an expansive coastline.

 Angela Epstein goes on a 'cinematic journey' through Formby Forest, pictured, a pine forest on the West Lancashire Coastal Plain, and finds it reminds her of the Forbidden Forest in the Harry Potter films nothing

A magical holiday in Formby and Merseyside's answer to Harry Potter's Forbidden Forest
Inside Merseyside's answer to Harry Potter's Forbidden Forest: Discover the natural delights of Formby, with spooky trees, red squirrels and a path that leads to a breathtaking beach. Formby Beach Forest, planted by the Formby family in 1784, sits on the West Lancashire coastal plain a 'cinematic' walk through the woods, Angela Epstein admires the 500 acres of sand dunes at Formby Beach She recommends to head further south to see Antony Gormley's art installation on Crosby Beach

But as we continue through a cross stitch of evergreens to reach the Formby beach on the West Lancashire coastal plain, a more vintage piece of cinema comes to mind: those creepy apple trees on the way to Oz, growling in spite when Dorothy tries to pick the overhanging fruit.< /p>

Anyway, it's worth the movie trip. Because when we emerge from the dark, cool forest, the view - and the gusty breeze - is breathtaking: 500 hectares of sand dunes and an expansive coastline.

 Angela Epstein goes on a 'cinematic journey' through Formby Forest, pictured, a pine forest on the West Lancashire Coastal Plain, and finds it reminds her of the Forbidden Forest in the Harry Potter films nothing

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