Amazon delivered for £3,500 of the same cookbook

We have a bizarre issue with Amazon that resulted in countless boxes of the same Ninja cookbook being delivered to my brother-in-law.

He lives in a supportive care facility and shortly after moving in began receiving the boxes over several days, none of which had been ordered.

When I checked his Amazon account, there was no sign of these deliveries, but it soon appeared that the payment had been taken from his debit card.

Their total cost has now exceeded £3500. This, naturally, forced my brother-in-law into the red, and he had to borrow from family to buy food.

Amazon offered no explanation how , or why, it happens. He has now refunded some of the first charges to his card.

Can you get to the bottom of what is happening and ask Amazon to refund the rest of the money owed - over £2000.

MA, Bristol

This is another weird case of the nation's "favorite online shopping site".

In 2018, we featured the case of Tiffany Crow who was inundated with Amazon packages, which she never didn't order either.

At the time, Amazon did not provide an explanation. And, like in your case, he's also remained rather low-key.

It looks like your brother-in-law's Amazon account was hacked, most likely after he makes a purchase at his new address.

However, it is less clear why the author was ordering boxes of the same book, delivered to his address. It's true, it's disconcerting. Was it an attempt to artificially increase sales? Who knows?

Amazon may not have provided an explanation, but they secured the account against future deliveries and gave your brother a full refund. He also apologized.

This leaves your brother-in-law with the dilemma of what to do with multiple box loads of the same cookbook, which Amazon tells you. said that was not the case. want to get it back. I'm sure they'll do well on eBay.

Alternatively, you can supply most local charity shops with a few copies each.

Anyone need a Ninja cookbook?

We welcome letters but cannot respond individually. Email us at or write to Consumer Champions, Money, the Guardian, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU. Please include a daytime phone number. Submission and publication of all letters are subject to our terms and conditions

Amazon delivered for £3,500 of the same cookbook

We have a bizarre issue with Amazon that resulted in countless boxes of the same Ninja cookbook being delivered to my brother-in-law.

He lives in a supportive care facility and shortly after moving in began receiving the boxes over several days, none of which had been ordered.

When I checked his Amazon account, there was no sign of these deliveries, but it soon appeared that the payment had been taken from his debit card.

Their total cost has now exceeded £3500. This, naturally, forced my brother-in-law into the red, and he had to borrow from family to buy food.

Amazon offered no explanation how , or why, it happens. He has now refunded some of the first charges to his card.

Can you get to the bottom of what is happening and ask Amazon to refund the rest of the money owed - over £2000.

MA, Bristol

This is another weird case of the nation's "favorite online shopping site".

In 2018, we featured the case of Tiffany Crow who was inundated with Amazon packages, which she never didn't order either.

At the time, Amazon did not provide an explanation. And, like in your case, he's also remained rather low-key.

It looks like your brother-in-law's Amazon account was hacked, most likely after he makes a purchase at his new address.

However, it is less clear why the author was ordering boxes of the same book, delivered to his address. It's true, it's disconcerting. Was it an attempt to artificially increase sales? Who knows?

Amazon may not have provided an explanation, but they secured the account against future deliveries and gave your brother a full refund. He also apologized.

This leaves your brother-in-law with the dilemma of what to do with multiple box loads of the same cookbook, which Amazon tells you. said that was not the case. want to get it back. I'm sure they'll do well on eBay.

Alternatively, you can supply most local charity shops with a few copies each.

Anyone need a Ninja cookbook?

We welcome letters but cannot respond individually. Email us at or write to Consumer Champions, Money, the Guardian, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU. Please include a daytime phone number. Submission and publication of all letters are subject to our terms and conditions

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