Article of Faith: Mastering Anger (2), By Femi Aribisala

Anger is bad when it is directed at the person and not at the offense.

Causeless anger is often linked to deep-seated sin, such as envy or pride. Wickedness refers to a deep anger that makes a man prone to negatively interpret another's actions.

David brings his brothers supplies from home, but Eliab attacks him for coming to the front. David responds, “What have I done now? Isn't there a cause? (1 Samuel 17:29).

"But David, don't you know your brother is mean to you? Have you forgotten that although you are the baby of the family, it is you that the high priest has anointed as the future king of Israel?"

Joseph's brothers

Joseph's brothers hated him because he was dad's favorite: "'There's that dreamer!' they said to themselves. "Come, let's kill him and throw him in one of those cisterns and say that a ferocious animal devoured him. Then we'll see what happens to his dreams." (Genesis 37:19-20).

Maliciousness has many causes, but its effect is a general feeling of ill will toward someone.

One ​​of the most distressing things about contemporary Christianity is the prevalence of wickedness among Christians. Some are malicious because someone is rich, or handsome, or expressive, or can sing. Others are malicious because of inferiority complexes. They are insecure and can't stand people who don't seem to have the problems they do.

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"Why don't you like Jones?" "I love him with the love of God." "Of course you don't, but you can't answer that question because answering it is revealing a part of you that you don't want to admit, or a part of you that you've suppressed."


"Do you have unkind feelings towards Fred?" "No, God knows I forgave him."

Well, pull that other leg. When you see Fred, what happens? He suddenly comes into a room and your stomach turns. Suddenly you notice that his ears are quite large and his teeth look like cutlasses.

Pastor Jonas

The Bible tells of an evangelist who went to preach the gospel and was angry that members of his congregation had given their lives to Christ. Jonah was angry that the people of Nineveh had repented, and God was merciful to them.

Isn't it strange for a preacher to be angry that members of his congregation responded positively to his message?

God asks Jonah, 'Is it right for you to be angry?' He replies, 'It is right that I should be angry unto death!'" (Jonah 4:9).

Kogi AD

Jesus asks the Jews: “Is it not lawful for me to do what I want with my possessions? Or is your eye bad because I'm good? (Matthew 20:15).

Article of Faith: Mastering Anger (2), By Femi Aribisala

Anger is bad when it is directed at the person and not at the offense.

Causeless anger is often linked to deep-seated sin, such as envy or pride. Wickedness refers to a deep anger that makes a man prone to negatively interpret another's actions.

David brings his brothers supplies from home, but Eliab attacks him for coming to the front. David responds, “What have I done now? Isn't there a cause? (1 Samuel 17:29).

"But David, don't you know your brother is mean to you? Have you forgotten that although you are the baby of the family, it is you that the high priest has anointed as the future king of Israel?"

Joseph's brothers

Joseph's brothers hated him because he was dad's favorite: "'There's that dreamer!' they said to themselves. "Come, let's kill him and throw him in one of those cisterns and say that a ferocious animal devoured him. Then we'll see what happens to his dreams." (Genesis 37:19-20).

Maliciousness has many causes, but its effect is a general feeling of ill will toward someone.

One ​​of the most distressing things about contemporary Christianity is the prevalence of wickedness among Christians. Some are malicious because someone is rich, or handsome, or expressive, or can sing. Others are malicious because of inferiority complexes. They are insecure and can't stand people who don't seem to have the problems they do.

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"Why don't you like Jones?" "I love him with the love of God." "Of course you don't, but you can't answer that question because answering it is revealing a part of you that you don't want to admit, or a part of you that you've suppressed."


"Do you have unkind feelings towards Fred?" "No, God knows I forgave him."

Well, pull that other leg. When you see Fred, what happens? He suddenly comes into a room and your stomach turns. Suddenly you notice that his ears are quite large and his teeth look like cutlasses.

Pastor Jonas

The Bible tells of an evangelist who went to preach the gospel and was angry that members of his congregation had given their lives to Christ. Jonah was angry that the people of Nineveh had repented, and God was merciful to them.

Isn't it strange for a preacher to be angry that members of his congregation responded positively to his message?

God asks Jonah, 'Is it right for you to be angry?' He replies, 'It is right that I should be angry unto death!'" (Jonah 4:9).

Kogi AD

Jesus asks the Jews: “Is it not lawful for me to do what I want with my possessions? Or is your eye bad because I'm good? (Matthew 20:15).

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