Ashton Kutcher picks up kids Dimitri, 8, and Wyatt, 6, from school in the rain: pics

Ashton Kutcher kids See the gallery Los Angeles, CA - *EXCLUSIVE* Ashton Kutcher tries to stay dry during a school run on a rainy day in Los Angeles Pictured: Ashton Kutcher BACKGRID USA MARCH 10, 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Customers - Images containing children, please rasterize face before posting* The Beckham family seen leaving their hotel before the Victoria Beckham fashion show during Paris Fashion Week. Photo by ABACAPRESS.COM Photo: Harper Beckham,David Beckham Ref : SPL5526956 030323 NON-EXCLUSIVE Photo by: AbacaPress / Splash News and Pictures USA: +1 310-525-5808 London: +44 (0)20 8126 1009 Berlin: +49 175 3764 166 United Arab Emirates Rights, Australia Rights, Bahrain Rights, Canada Rights, Greece Rights, India Rights, Israel Rights, South Korea Rights, New Zealand Rights, Qatar Rights, Saudi Arabia Rights, Singapore Rights, Thailand Rights, Taiwan Rights, United United Rights, United States of America Rights

Ashton Kutcher was on call Friday March 10 as he collected his two children whom he shares with his wife of eight years, Mila Kunis, from school. Ashton, 45, was pictured leaving the school grounds in Los Angeles with his two children, daughter Wyatt Isabelle, 8, and son Dimitri Portwood, 6, who donned adorable clothes of rain to stay dry during a downpour, as seen here.

Ashton Kutcher picks up kids Dimitri, 8, and Wyatt, 6, from school in the rain: pics
Ashton Kutcher kids See the gallery Los Angeles, CA - *EXCLUSIVE* Ashton Kutcher tries to stay dry during a school run on a rainy day in Los Angeles Pictured: Ashton Kutcher BACKGRID USA MARCH 10, 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Customers - Images containing children, please rasterize face before posting* The Beckham family seen leaving their hotel before the Victoria Beckham fashion show during Paris Fashion Week. Photo by ABACAPRESS.COM Photo: Harper Beckham,David Beckham Ref : SPL5526956 030323 NON-EXCLUSIVE Photo by: AbacaPress / Splash News and Pictures USA: +1 310-525-5808 London: +44 (0)20 8126 1009 Berlin: +49 175 3764 166 United Arab Emirates Rights, Australia Rights, Bahrain Rights, Canada Rights, Greece Rights, India Rights, Israel Rights, South Korea Rights, New Zealand Rights, Qatar Rights, Saudi Arabia Rights, Singapore Rights, Thailand Rights, Taiwan Rights, United United Rights, United States of America Rights

Ashton Kutcher was on call Friday March 10 as he collected his two children whom he shares with his wife of eight years, Mila Kunis, from school. Ashton, 45, was pictured leaving the school grounds in Los Angeles with his two children, daughter Wyatt Isabelle, 8, and son Dimitri Portwood, 6, who donned adorable clothes of rain to stay dry during a downpour, as seen here.

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