Azeem Rafiq: 'An endless campaign of lies' put my family at risk, says Spinner

Azeem Rafiq playing for Yorkshire Vikings

Rafiq, 31, has been accused of anti-Semitism, homophobia and fat shaming by former teammates and officials, reports the Daily Mail.

In a statement, he said the claims were "categorically false".

On Thursday, Rafiq said he planned to go abroad to protect his family.

Last year he was found to have been racially harassed and bullied in Yorkshire. He told MPs England cricket was 'institutionally' racist, sparking the scandal that has plagued England cricket for much of the past two years.

His testimony led to changes in management at Yorkshire, with Headingley being temporarily barred from hosting international matches, and reprimands for several current and former players and managers.

It also led the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) to come up with a 12-point plan to tackle the racism in the game.

Responding to the latest allegations against him, he said: "I knew that as a whistleblower, I would be attacked.

"What I did not expect was is a endless and coordinated campaign of lies, which has caused serious risks to my safety and that of my family.

"I have been vindicated over and over again and will not be intimidated by those who seek to shut me up."

Earlier this week, Rafiq was among five current and former players reprimanded by the England and Wales Cricket Board for historic posts of a racist nature on social media.

It has already apologized for a 2011 Facebook exchange containing anti-Semitic messages.

Azeem Rafiq: 'An endless campaign of lies' put my family at risk, says Spinner
Azeem Rafiq playing for Yorkshire Vikings

Rafiq, 31, has been accused of anti-Semitism, homophobia and fat shaming by former teammates and officials, reports the Daily Mail.

In a statement, he said the claims were "categorically false".

On Thursday, Rafiq said he planned to go abroad to protect his family.

Last year he was found to have been racially harassed and bullied in Yorkshire. He told MPs England cricket was 'institutionally' racist, sparking the scandal that has plagued England cricket for much of the past two years.

His testimony led to changes in management at Yorkshire, with Headingley being temporarily barred from hosting international matches, and reprimands for several current and former players and managers.

It also led the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) to come up with a 12-point plan to tackle the racism in the game.

Responding to the latest allegations against him, he said: "I knew that as a whistleblower, I would be attacked.

"What I did not expect was is a endless and coordinated campaign of lies, which has caused serious risks to my safety and that of my family.

"I have been vindicated over and over again and will not be intimidated by those who seek to shut me up."

Earlier this week, Rafiq was among five current and former players reprimanded by the England and Wales Cricket Board for historic posts of a racist nature on social media.

It has already apologized for a 2011 Facebook exchange containing anti-Semitic messages.

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