Bauchi government lifts embargo on civil service jobs

Determined to generate job opportunities for the skilled natives of the state as well as fill the vacancies in the state civil service, Bauchi State Governor Sen Bala Mohammed has announced on Monday the lifting of the embargo on employment in the state.

The governor explained that the lifting of the embargo aims to ensure that the MDAs have appropriate and adequate personnel, thereby providing employment opportunities for qualified young people to ultimately recalibrate the state civil service to efficient service delivery and sustainable growth.

Shortly after taking the oath of allegiance and office, Bala Mohammed, in his inaugural address titled: "My Bauchi Project: Consolidating the Mandate of Putting Bauchi First", said: "I accept this call to serve, not because I consider myself the most qualified, but because it is a divine mandate over which I have no choice."

He said human capital development remains the foundation of his administration's efforts to create a new narrative for governance in the state, a departure from the past.

Mohammed added that consolidating his ambitious development agenda requires higher levels of initiative, commitment and personal sacrifice.

However, he assured that the government will expose a critical mass of civil servants to targeted human capital development programs, in line with global best practices.

In the areas of salaries, pensions and gratuities, the governor said that since the establishment of his administration in 2019, he has paid monthly salaries and pensions without default and promised to ensure that the work is integrates with the welfare of public servants. as a top priority.

According to him, "With regard to the gratuities, I wish to reassure the workers that we will accelerate the efforts underway to create the required synergy between PENCOM and the recently created Bauchi State contributory pension scheme for cover the arrears and guarantee regular payment of tips.

“Let me reiterate that Bauchi State has no reason to be poor. I want to assure you that by the grace of God, the mandate you renewed will be deployed to position the Bauchi state where it should be.

"A position which, if I may repeat myself, is characterized by good governance rooted in transparency and accountability, a policy of inclusion and management of diversity, based on the principles of equity, justice and equity, prudent resource management, peace and security, all leading to shared prosperity for all.

"I view the above deliverables as minimum milestones that I will dedicate, over the next four years, to achieving with all my energy, faculties and fiber, not because I want them to be remembered of them, but because you deserve no less for entrusting to me, the son of a humble district chief of the backwaters of Duguri, your present hopes and aspirations and above all, the future of generations to come."


Tags: Bauchi government

Bauchi government lifts embargo on civil service jobs

Determined to generate job opportunities for the skilled natives of the state as well as fill the vacancies in the state civil service, Bauchi State Governor Sen Bala Mohammed has announced on Monday the lifting of the embargo on employment in the state.

The governor explained that the lifting of the embargo aims to ensure that the MDAs have appropriate and adequate personnel, thereby providing employment opportunities for qualified young people to ultimately recalibrate the state civil service to efficient service delivery and sustainable growth.

Shortly after taking the oath of allegiance and office, Bala Mohammed, in his inaugural address titled: "My Bauchi Project: Consolidating the Mandate of Putting Bauchi First", said: "I accept this call to serve, not because I consider myself the most qualified, but because it is a divine mandate over which I have no choice."

He said human capital development remains the foundation of his administration's efforts to create a new narrative for governance in the state, a departure from the past.

Mohammed added that consolidating his ambitious development agenda requires higher levels of initiative, commitment and personal sacrifice.

However, he assured that the government will expose a critical mass of civil servants to targeted human capital development programs, in line with global best practices.

In the areas of salaries, pensions and gratuities, the governor said that since the establishment of his administration in 2019, he has paid monthly salaries and pensions without default and promised to ensure that the work is integrates with the welfare of public servants. as a top priority.

According to him, "With regard to the gratuities, I wish to reassure the workers that we will accelerate the efforts underway to create the required synergy between PENCOM and the recently created Bauchi State contributory pension scheme for cover the arrears and guarantee regular payment of tips.

“Let me reiterate that Bauchi State has no reason to be poor. I want to assure you that by the grace of God, the mandate you renewed will be deployed to position the Bauchi state where it should be.

"A position which, if I may repeat myself, is characterized by good governance rooted in transparency and accountability, a policy of inclusion and management of diversity, based on the principles of equity, justice and equity, prudent resource management, peace and security, all leading to shared prosperity for all.

"I view the above deliverables as minimum milestones that I will dedicate, over the next four years, to achieving with all my energy, faculties and fiber, not because I want them to be remembered of them, but because you deserve no less for entrusting to me, the son of a humble district chief of the backwaters of Duguri, your present hopes and aspirations and above all, the future of generations to come."


Tags: Bauchi government

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