Sentencing date for Binance founder CZ postponed to end of April

Binance ancient CEO Chang Peng Zhao was initially due has be sentenced on Feb. 23. He faces 18 month of prison on money whitening fresh.

Conviction of the founder of Binance, CZ date postponed to end of April News Join We on social networks

THE criminal sentencing For Binance founder Chang Peng “CZ” Zhao has has been pushed back has April 30.

THE "notice of postponed audience" was deposit In A Seattle Federal Court on Feb. 12. Zhao was initially due has be sentenced on Feb. 23 After pleading guilty has money whitening charges. He East expected has confront as a lot like 18 month In prison.

He East expected has confront as a lot like 18 month In prison, However A Nov. 24 deposit Since THE pursuit, noted that he can confront A harder Punishment that initially planned.

"THE defense complaints that Mr. Zhao faces simply A "Short" sentence And has No incentive has flee. THE reality East that THE upper end of THE Guidelines range can be as high as 18 month, And THE United States East free has argue For any of them sentence up has THE statutory maximum of ten years. »

A few, However, believe A longer sentence East unlikely.

According to has ancient WE. Securities And Exchange Commission official John Reed Rigid, Zhao could to deal with 12-18 month sentence has A minimum security prison below WE. sentencing guidelines.

However, her legal team will likely ask For No prison time Or A alternative sentence And request has combine prison time with House detention And probation.

Zhao East Currently out on replenish A $175 million deposit and East resident In THE United States on hold her conviction.

On Dec. 29, A WE. Federal court order that

Sentencing date for Binance founder CZ postponed to end of April

Binance ancient CEO Chang Peng Zhao was initially due has be sentenced on Feb. 23. He faces 18 month of prison on money whitening fresh.

Conviction of the founder of Binance, CZ date postponed to end of April News Join We on social networks

THE criminal sentencing For Binance founder Chang Peng “CZ” Zhao has has been pushed back has April 30.

THE "notice of postponed audience" was deposit In A Seattle Federal Court on Feb. 12. Zhao was initially due has be sentenced on Feb. 23 After pleading guilty has money whitening charges. He East expected has confront as a lot like 18 month In prison.

He East expected has confront as a lot like 18 month In prison, However A Nov. 24 deposit Since THE pursuit, noted that he can confront A harder Punishment that initially planned.

"THE defense complaints that Mr. Zhao faces simply A "Short" sentence And has No incentive has flee. THE reality East that THE upper end of THE Guidelines range can be as high as 18 month, And THE United States East free has argue For any of them sentence up has THE statutory maximum of ten years. »

A few, However, believe A longer sentence East unlikely.

According to has ancient WE. Securities And Exchange Commission official John Reed Rigid, Zhao could to deal with 12-18 month sentence has A minimum security prison below WE. sentencing guidelines.

However, her legal team will likely ask For No prison time Or A alternative sentence And request has combine prison time with House detention And probation.

Zhao East Currently out on replenish A $175 million deposit and East resident In THE United States on hold her conviction.

On Dec. 29, A WE. Federal court order that

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