Blind date: 'I went into bossy mode and told him to use his fingers'

Chris on Kate Chris

What did you expect? Don't make me too crazy about myself.

First impressions? She had a beautiful voice.

What did you talk about? Anne Tyler's novels. Mutual disbelief that Boris Johnson is still Prime Minister. Kate's children in Paris and New York. My niece's cat in Nice. How writing is not "fun". What a beautiful person Elizabeth Taylor was when Kate met her on a film set. How people in person often contradict their public image.

Awkward moments? None, although the restaurant was noisy so talking was a challenge at times.

Table manners? Yes.

The best thing about Kate? She was on my cultural wavelength and was easy to talk to.

Would you introduce Kate to your friends? My friends are all quite different, but Kate s would probably get along easily with each of them.

Describe Kate in three words. Smart, cultured, assertive.

What do you think Kate has done to you? It takes a long time before I know how other people see me. I've often been completely wrong.

Have you been anywhere? On the street waiting for a cab for Kate.

And… did you kiss? That would never happen on a first date.

If you could change one thing in the evening, what would it be?That the restaurant could have been less noisy.

Notes out of 10? Romance was not in the air, but it was a pleasure to spend an evening with Kate, which couldn't be less than a 10.

Is- what would you see again? We exchanged email addresses, so time will tell.

Blind date: 'I went into bossy mode and told him to use his fingers'
Chris on Kate Chris

What did you expect? Don't make me too crazy about myself.

First impressions? She had a beautiful voice.

What did you talk about? Anne Tyler's novels. Mutual disbelief that Boris Johnson is still Prime Minister. Kate's children in Paris and New York. My niece's cat in Nice. How writing is not "fun". What a beautiful person Elizabeth Taylor was when Kate met her on a film set. How people in person often contradict their public image.

Awkward moments? None, although the restaurant was noisy so talking was a challenge at times.

Table manners? Yes.

The best thing about Kate? She was on my cultural wavelength and was easy to talk to.

Would you introduce Kate to your friends? My friends are all quite different, but Kate s would probably get along easily with each of them.

Describe Kate in three words. Smart, cultured, assertive.

What do you think Kate has done to you? It takes a long time before I know how other people see me. I've often been completely wrong.

Have you been anywhere? On the street waiting for a cab for Kate.

And… did you kiss? That would never happen on a first date.

If you could change one thing in the evening, what would it be?That the restaurant could have been less noisy.

Notes out of 10? Romance was not in the air, but it was a pleasure to spend an evening with Kate, which couldn't be less than a 10.

Is- what would you see again? We exchanged email addresses, so time will tell.

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