Brew virtual potions by mixing ingredients in this interactive cauldron

Brew virtual potions by blend ingredients In This interactive cauldron

Arduino Team — October the 22nd, 2023

THE big, bubbling cauldron East A classic pillar In OUR Halloween decorations as he evoked imagery of sly witches And their mysterious concoctions. fed up with This be A simple display room, item 14 Gifts Katie Dumont created a delighted cauldron that allow visitors has brew their own digital potions Since A painting of distinct ingredients using A capricious "Magic wand" And NFC tagged bottles.

HAS test her idea of blend ingredients, Dumont began by link A Adafruit NFC drive has A Arduino UN Rev3 along with A band of RGB LED. THE coded She wrote checks which NFC label East here each second, And depending on, depending on THE color, will either add another color Or increase decrease THE generally brightness. After THE special Magic wand label has has been detected, each pixels along THE band East mixed In A sharing, uniform color through all of them.

On THE heels of This successful experience, Dumont included another layer of interactivity In THE form of A little game Or players are present with A certain color And must to try has to use THE potion bottles has reproduce he as close as possible with only red, Green, And blue contributions. After selection A sequence of three colors, tapping THE Magic wand will display THE result And either flash red Or white has indicate failure Or success, respectively.

HAS see more about how Dumont designed her cauldron, You Can read THE build save here And watch her demo video below!

Brew virtual potions by mixing ingredients in this interactive cauldron
Brew virtual potions by blend ingredients In This interactive cauldron

Arduino Team — October the 22nd, 2023

THE big, bubbling cauldron East A classic pillar In OUR Halloween decorations as he evoked imagery of sly witches And their mysterious concoctions. fed up with This be A simple display room, item 14 Gifts Katie Dumont created a delighted cauldron that allow visitors has brew their own digital potions Since A painting of distinct ingredients using A capricious "Magic wand" And NFC tagged bottles.

HAS test her idea of blend ingredients, Dumont began by link A Adafruit NFC drive has A Arduino UN Rev3 along with A band of RGB LED. THE coded She wrote checks which NFC label East here each second, And depending on, depending on THE color, will either add another color Or increase decrease THE generally brightness. After THE special Magic wand label has has been detected, each pixels along THE band East mixed In A sharing, uniform color through all of them.

On THE heels of This successful experience, Dumont included another layer of interactivity In THE form of A little game Or players are present with A certain color And must to try has to use THE potion bottles has reproduce he as close as possible with only red, Green, And blue contributions. After selection A sequence of three colors, tapping THE Magic wand will display THE result And either flash red Or white has indicate failure Or success, respectively.

HAS see more about how Dumont designed her cauldron, You Can read THE build save here And watch her demo video below!

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