Build a DIY digital clock with glowing, flowing pipes of light

January the 25th, 2024

Take Me has THE Steps

This article appeared In Do: Flight. 84. Subscribe to more great items.

Years of 3D to print And circuit piracy to have directed Me has build a few pretty mad gear. I tender has service THE kinds of projects that combine art And function And require Me has learn something new In order has complete. This project was inspired by THE very cool fiber optical projects job online by Martin Oehler (@maketvee on instructables), John Paul Wenger (@ItsMrJP on X), And others. I am grateful has find THE cool part of Twitter that famous people chasing their mad ideas And sharing What they do.

THE design For This clock took A while. He evolved Since several experimental versions, each A education Me something new about THE boundaries And possibilities of combining THE light pipes with A variety of different kinds of lights And materials. My aim Since THE to start was has either way turn these beautiful pipes In A digital clock, while always showing THE pipes And how they change colors, has emphasize THE beauty of THE light traveling has THE numbers.

Figure A

Figure A watch THE original idea I sketch out on THE back of A envelope, And Figure B East THE First of all digital rendering do with 123D Design.

Figure B

As You can see, My First of all ideas account strongly on to suspend THE pipes In place. THE intention was has run them through A block of 3D printed clear PETG that would be be A little vague, but You could always see THE pipes. This idea failed Above all because THE block was Also big has to print on My machine.

Figure C

SO, I do A more compact version following (Figure VS). This A was smaller And more printable, but as I quickly find out, THE pipes were not very visible, And there was not enough contrast In order has be able has see THE numbers clearly.

Build a DIY digital clock with glowing, flowing pipes of light
January the 25th, 2024

Take Me has THE Steps

This article appeared In Do: Flight. 84. Subscribe to more great items.

Years of 3D to print And circuit piracy to have directed Me has build a few pretty mad gear. I tender has service THE kinds of projects that combine art And function And require Me has learn something new In order has complete. This project was inspired by THE very cool fiber optical projects job online by Martin Oehler (@maketvee on instructables), John Paul Wenger (@ItsMrJP on X), And others. I am grateful has find THE cool part of Twitter that famous people chasing their mad ideas And sharing What they do.

THE design For This clock took A while. He evolved Since several experimental versions, each A education Me something new about THE boundaries And possibilities of combining THE light pipes with A variety of different kinds of lights And materials. My aim Since THE to start was has either way turn these beautiful pipes In A digital clock, while always showing THE pipes And how they change colors, has emphasize THE beauty of THE light traveling has THE numbers.

Figure A

Figure A watch THE original idea I sketch out on THE back of A envelope, And Figure B East THE First of all digital rendering do with 123D Design.

Figure B

As You can see, My First of all ideas account strongly on to suspend THE pipes In place. THE intention was has run them through A block of 3D printed clear PETG that would be be A little vague, but You could always see THE pipes. This idea failed Above all because THE block was Also big has to print on My machine.

Figure C

SO, I do A more compact version following (Figure VS). This A was smaller And more printable, but as I quickly find out, THE pipes were not very visible, And there was not enough contrast In order has be able has see THE numbers clearly.

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