Build a Power Sword Replica from Halo

Many of us spent hours playing Swords Only deathmatch in Halo 2. The Power Sword, aka the Plasma Sword, was the star of the show, with its devastating glowing blades granting us dash dominance. [Arnov Sharma] has now built a quality replica of this sci-fi weapon.

Building begins with a 3D design drawn in Fusion 360. Parts are then 3D printed, with opaque filament used for the handle and translucent PLA filament for the "blade". Inside the blade elements are twenty WS2812B LEDs, creating the characteristic glow that made the Power Sword so tempting to find in-game. An ATtiny85 is responsible for operating the LEDs, using an IP5306 chip to act as a boost converter for the lithium-ion battery providing the juice.

[Anton] admits that the sword was built for the sole purpose of sprucing up his makerspace. It is something that we can respect, because we would like to have one hanging on the wall at home. We have also featured other fun game replicas before.

Build a Power Sword Replica from Halo

Many of us spent hours playing Swords Only deathmatch in Halo 2. The Power Sword, aka the Plasma Sword, was the star of the show, with its devastating glowing blades granting us dash dominance. [Arnov Sharma] has now built a quality replica of this sci-fi weapon.

Building begins with a 3D design drawn in Fusion 360. Parts are then 3D printed, with opaque filament used for the handle and translucent PLA filament for the "blade". Inside the blade elements are twenty WS2812B LEDs, creating the characteristic glow that made the Power Sword so tempting to find in-game. An ATtiny85 is responsible for operating the LEDs, using an IP5306 chip to act as a boost converter for the lithium-ion battery providing the juice.

[Anton] admits that the sword was built for the sole purpose of sprucing up his makerspace. It is something that we can respect, because we would like to have one hanging on the wall at home. We have also featured other fun game replicas before.

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