CBDC ban advocate Ron DeSantis ends US presidential race

Ron DeSantis finished her presidential campaign on Jan. 21, saying he had No path has victory And pawning her support has ancient WE. President Donald Trump.

Ron, defender of CBDC ban DeSantis ends US presidential race News Join We on social networks

Central bank digital currency (CBDC) opponent Ron DeSantis has took of Since THE race For THE White Home, according to has A announcement on Jan. 21, declaring he I could not continue with A campaign missing A clear path has victory.

"I can't ask OUR supporters has volunteer their time And make a donation their resources. We don't do it to have A clear path has victory. Therefore, I am Today to suspend My campaign. »

DeSantis sharing THE news In A 4 minutes announcement on X (Previously Twitter), confirming her Already anticipated support For ancient United States President Donald Asset. "I will not stop NOW. It is clear has Me that A majority of Republican primary voters to want has give Donald Asset another chance. »

In THE Iowa primary For THE Republican To party nomination detained on Jan. 15, DeSantis finished second, late Asset by A 21% margin of voice. DeSantis, WHO East Also governor of Florida, officially spear her presidential offer In July 2023.

"Success East not final, failure East not fatal: he East THE courage has continue that account."

- Winston Churchill pic.twitter.com/ECoR8YeiMm

— Ron DeSantis (@RonDeSantis) January 21, 2024

During A of her First of all campaign appearances, DeSantis swore has to forbid A possible version of THE digital dollar if elected. "If I am THE president, on day A, We will Nothing central bank digital currency. Do. Dead. Not event In This country," he said has THE event In I...

CBDC ban advocate Ron DeSantis ends US presidential race

Ron DeSantis finished her presidential campaign on Jan. 21, saying he had No path has victory And pawning her support has ancient WE. President Donald Trump.

Ron, defender of CBDC ban DeSantis ends US presidential race News Join We on social networks

Central bank digital currency (CBDC) opponent Ron DeSantis has took of Since THE race For THE White Home, according to has A announcement on Jan. 21, declaring he I could not continue with A campaign missing A clear path has victory.

"I can't ask OUR supporters has volunteer their time And make a donation their resources. We don't do it to have A clear path has victory. Therefore, I am Today to suspend My campaign. »

DeSantis sharing THE news In A 4 minutes announcement on X (Previously Twitter), confirming her Already anticipated support For ancient United States President Donald Asset. "I will not stop NOW. It is clear has Me that A majority of Republican primary voters to want has give Donald Asset another chance. »

In THE Iowa primary For THE Republican To party nomination detained on Jan. 15, DeSantis finished second, late Asset by A 21% margin of voice. DeSantis, WHO East Also governor of Florida, officially spear her presidential offer In July 2023.

"Success East not final, failure East not fatal: he East THE courage has continue that account."

- Winston Churchill pic.twitter.com/ECoR8YeiMm

— Ron DeSantis (@RonDeSantis) January 21, 2024

During A of her First of all campaign appearances, DeSantis swore has to forbid A possible version of THE digital dollar if elected. "If I am THE president, on day A, We will Nothing central bank digital currency. Do. Dead. Not event In This country," he said has THE event In I...

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