Charlotte Rampling: 'I don't know what a superpower is and I don't want one'

Essex-born Charlotte Rampling, 76, was scouted by a casting agent aged 17 and went on to star in Georgy Girl (1966) and The Night Porter (1974) . His most recent roles include Melancholia, Dune and 45 Years, which earned him an Oscar nomination in 2016. Juniper, his new film, is in theaters from Friday. She has been divorced twice and lost her partner to cancer in 2015. She lives in Paris and has two sons.

What is your biggest fear? Die before knowing certain things.

What trait do you most deplore in others? Not listening.

What was your moment most embarrassing? Not understanding. It happens a lot.

Describe yourself in three wordsStubborn, aloof, lonely.

What would be your superpower?I I don't know what a superpower is and don't want one.

What don't you like most about your appearance? I'm fine.

If you could bring something dead back to life, what would it be? My sister. She died at the age of 23.

Who would play you in the movie of your life? God knows.

What is your most unpleasant habit? Being antisocial.

What makes you fear in getting older? Not much.

Who's your celebrity crush? He is dead: Sean Connery.

Who would you most like to apologize to, and why? I've said sorry to the people I need to apologize to.< /p>

What book are you ashamed of not having read? Ulysses.

What did you want to be when you were growing up? A journalist.

What's the worst thing anyone's ever said to you? "You're in the wrong job."

Would you choose fame or anonymity? I've got fame, that's fine with me.

What's the last lie you told? I tell lies all the time, but I'm very smart to tell them.

What do you owe your parents? Me.

What was the best kiss of your life? The ones from the beginning. When you learn to kiss, it's funny.

What did you dream about last night?Living in Edinburgh Castle, because I watched it out the window when I couldn't sleep. (I'm in Edinburgh.)

What words or phrases do you overuse the most? I pay attention to words.

What makes you unhappy? Doing this kind of interview.

When was the last time you cried and why?I cry a lot, every day.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?Staying alive.< /p>

How would you like to be remembered?With a smile.

What is the most important lesson what has life taught you? To be detached.

What happens when we die? Who knows?

< p class="dcr-kpil6a">Tell us a joke Do you think I'm the kind of girl who has jokes that just pop out?

Charlotte Rampling: 'I don't know what a superpower is and I don't want one'

Essex-born Charlotte Rampling, 76, was scouted by a casting agent aged 17 and went on to star in Georgy Girl (1966) and The Night Porter (1974) . His most recent roles include Melancholia, Dune and 45 Years, which earned him an Oscar nomination in 2016. Juniper, his new film, is in theaters from Friday. She has been divorced twice and lost her partner to cancer in 2015. She lives in Paris and has two sons.

What is your biggest fear? Die before knowing certain things.

What trait do you most deplore in others? Not listening.

What was your moment most embarrassing? Not understanding. It happens a lot.

Describe yourself in three wordsStubborn, aloof, lonely.

What would be your superpower?I I don't know what a superpower is and don't want one.

What don't you like most about your appearance? I'm fine.

If you could bring something dead back to life, what would it be? My sister. She died at the age of 23.

Who would play you in the movie of your life? God knows.

What is your most unpleasant habit? Being antisocial.

What makes you fear in getting older? Not much.

Who's your celebrity crush? He is dead: Sean Connery.

Who would you most like to apologize to, and why? I've said sorry to the people I need to apologize to.< /p>

What book are you ashamed of not having read? Ulysses.

What did you want to be when you were growing up? A journalist.

What's the worst thing anyone's ever said to you? "You're in the wrong job."

Would you choose fame or anonymity? I've got fame, that's fine with me.

What's the last lie you told? I tell lies all the time, but I'm very smart to tell them.

What do you owe your parents? Me.

What was the best kiss of your life? The ones from the beginning. When you learn to kiss, it's funny.

What did you dream about last night?Living in Edinburgh Castle, because I watched it out the window when I couldn't sleep. (I'm in Edinburgh.)

What words or phrases do you overuse the most? I pay attention to words.

What makes you unhappy? Doing this kind of interview.

When was the last time you cried and why?I cry a lot, every day.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?Staying alive.< /p>

How would you like to be remembered?With a smile.

What is the most important lesson what has life taught you? To be detached.

What happens when we die? Who knows?

< p class="dcr-kpil6a">Tell us a joke Do you think I'm the kind of girl who has jokes that just pop out?

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