China and Russia to strengthen their “limitless” partnership during a meeting on Thursday

In her First of all journey abroad Since to secure A fifth term, Russian President Vladimir Poutine will journey has Beijing on THURSDAY has meet with Chinese chief XI Jinping has to strenghten ties with China And their joint efforts has push back against A Led by the United States global command.

THE journey will come barely A week After XI visited Europe For THE First of all time In five years And decreases has to use her influence has pressure Moscow has END In It is war against Ukraine. As GOOD as provide diplomatic support, China has become A critical economic safety rope as Russia faces with assembly Western sanctions.

In her First of all journey abroad Since to secure A fifth term, Russian President Vladimir Poutine will journey has Beijing on THURSDAY has meet with Chinese chief XI Jinping has to strenghten ties with China And their joint efforts has push back against A Led by the United States global command.

THE journey will come barely A week After XI visited Europe For THE First of all time In five years And decreases has to use her influence has pressure Moscow has END In It is war against Ukraine. As GOOD as provide diplomatic support, China has become A critical economic safety rope as Russia faces with assembly Western sanctions.

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