China's largest payment app launches AI feature that checks if you're bald

Eat your heart out Elon Musk And, China Alipay East THE real 'All application.'

China's largest payment app launches AI feature that checks if you are bald News

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If There is A thing most of We probably doesn't think has wish For When he come has electronic wallet features, It is A artificial intelligence (AI) "mini application " For detection baldness. Again here We are, In A time When Alipay, China the biggest Payments application, has made his debut Exactly that. 

As most e-wallet/payments applications, Alipay allow users has connect their bank accounts has THE application In order has streamline Payments both online And has THE indicate of purchase. But Alipay takes things a lot further that just payments.

Alleged has be A "superapp" For Locals, Alipay a lot features include to go up sharing, mobile phone services, Invoice Payments, coupon And journey services, purchases, And social media functionality.

THE apps most recent functionality East enough A departure Since It is other utility based features: A Powered by AI hair loss detector.

According to has A report Since THE South...

China's largest payment app launches AI feature that checks if you're bald

Eat your heart out Elon Musk And, China Alipay East THE real 'All application.'

China's largest payment app launches AI feature that checks if you are bald News

Own This piece of crypto history

Collect This article as NFT Join We on social networks

If There is A thing most of We probably doesn't think has wish For When he come has electronic wallet features, It is A artificial intelligence (AI) "mini application " For detection baldness. Again here We are, In A time When Alipay, China the biggest Payments application, has made his debut Exactly that. 

As most e-wallet/payments applications, Alipay allow users has connect their bank accounts has THE application In order has streamline Payments both online And has THE indicate of purchase. But Alipay takes things a lot further that just payments.

Alleged has be A "superapp" For Locals, Alipay a lot features include to go up sharing, mobile phone services, Invoice Payments, coupon And journey services, purchases, And social media functionality.

THE apps most recent functionality East enough A departure Since It is other utility based features: A Powered by AI hair loss detector.

According to has A report Since THE South...

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