Christian Siriano Muse Gottmik sets a gothic tone for the 2025 cruise

Christian Siriano guard he close has House For her seaside resort collection inspiration, enlist her friend, "RuPaul's Hang out Racing star Gottmik, as both muse And model. "I have has been watching 'Hang out Race' And Mike East just SO inspiring And amazing," Siriano said of THE hang out artist, who is enough A fashion "look queen" on THE to show with tracks — several on THE Currently aeration season of all the stars — that Fans to have judge iconic.

Last season saw Siriano riff on ballet, A theme he continued with tulle accents And shapes but superposition In A dark Gothic elegance. Most looks were black, unexpected For THE designate, but A path has help emphasize her capricious construction details, seen In pure black tulle on THE boning on A strapless And ball skirt with pure panels. "I feel as I research he has be moody," he said of THE onyx tint. "But I always to want he has be romantic And very Old Hollywood. »

THE greatness was clear with her assortment of dresses And statement event Dresses; A Cascade tulle wrap around dress with black strapless exposed THE body And there was A tall wide leg gasp with sandy brown cuff with another black corset with puffs of tulle. Each was sensual, glamour — even A little restricted For Siriano — And felt fresh.

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Mike East known has to use white confront paint When In hang out, but Siriano selected glamour goddess instead. "We did This more beautiful make up," he said. "HAS Really to show that A interpreter as A hang out queen can Also be Really elegant And magnificent."

He round out THE collection with A little on top noisy color options, her trademark. A strapless dress had A massive skirt And rosettes has THE bodice using A purple laminated, iridescent taffeta. "It is SO amusing And beautiful And I can't wait has TO DO more [with THE fabric]," he said.

Siriano knows her customer wanna has TO DO A statement And he can't help but oblige.

Christian Siriano Muse Gottmik sets a gothic tone for the 2025 cruise

Christian Siriano guard he close has House For her seaside resort collection inspiration, enlist her friend, "RuPaul's Hang out Racing star Gottmik, as both muse And model. "I have has been watching 'Hang out Race' And Mike East just SO inspiring And amazing," Siriano said of THE hang out artist, who is enough A fashion "look queen" on THE to show with tracks — several on THE Currently aeration season of all the stars — that Fans to have judge iconic.

Last season saw Siriano riff on ballet, A theme he continued with tulle accents And shapes but superposition In A dark Gothic elegance. Most looks were black, unexpected For THE designate, but A path has help emphasize her capricious construction details, seen In pure black tulle on THE boning on A strapless And ball skirt with pure panels. "I feel as I research he has be moody," he said of THE onyx tint. "But I always to want he has be romantic And very Old Hollywood. »

THE greatness was clear with her assortment of dresses And statement event Dresses; A Cascade tulle wrap around dress with black strapless exposed THE body And there was A tall wide leg gasp with sandy brown cuff with another black corset with puffs of tulle. Each was sensual, glamour — even A little restricted For Siriano — And felt fresh.

You Can Also As

Mike East known has to use white confront paint When In hang out, but Siriano selected glamour goddess instead. "We did This more beautiful make up," he said. "HAS Really to show that A interpreter as A hang out queen can Also be Really elegant And magnificent."

He round out THE collection with A little on top noisy color options, her trademark. A strapless dress had A massive skirt And rosettes has THE bodice using A purple laminated, iridescent taffeta. "It is SO amusing And beautiful And I can't wait has TO DO more [with THE fabric]," he said.

Siriano knows her customer wanna has TO DO A statement And he can't help but oblige.

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