Christina Hendricks got engaged to George Bianchini after nearly a year and a half of dating

christina and george engaged See the gallery Christina Hendricks 16TH ANNUAL GLAAD MEDIA AWARDS, LOS ANGELES, AMERICA - APR 30, 2005 Christina Hendricks 'SERENITY' FILM PREMIERE, LOS ANGELES, AMERICA - SEP 22, 2005 Christina Hendricks 6th Annual Awards Season Diamond Fashion Show Preview, Beverly Hills, CA, America, January 11, 2007

It looks like Good Girlsand Mad Men alum Christina Hendricks, 47, is about to walk down the aisle one more time ! The red-haired bombshell and her now-fiancé, George Bianchini, took to Instagram on Friday to announce they were officially engaged after dating for nearly a year and a half. "We proposed and said yes!!! I will love him and take care of him forever. @steadig," she captioned the cute photo of them getting close to each other. on the other.

More infoChristina Hendricks

Christina Hendricks got engaged to George Bianchini after nearly a year and a half of dating
christina and george engaged See the gallery Christina Hendricks 16TH ANNUAL GLAAD MEDIA AWARDS, LOS ANGELES, AMERICA - APR 30, 2005 Christina Hendricks 'SERENITY' FILM PREMIERE, LOS ANGELES, AMERICA - SEP 22, 2005 Christina Hendricks 6th Annual Awards Season Diamond Fashion Show Preview, Beverly Hills, CA, America, January 11, 2007

It looks like Good Girlsand Mad Men alum Christina Hendricks, 47, is about to walk down the aisle one more time ! The red-haired bombshell and her now-fiancé, George Bianchini, took to Instagram on Friday to announce they were officially engaged after dating for nearly a year and a half. "We proposed and said yes!!! I will love him and take care of him forever. @steadig," she captioned the cute photo of them getting close to each other. on the other.

More infoChristina Hendricks

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