Comic-Con guru explains why storytelling is key to successful NFT projects

Kumite NFT Founder Gareb Shamus talks to NFT Steez about how NFT projects can engage with their respective communities through storytelling .

Comic-Con guru explains why storytelling is the key component for successful NFT projects Market news

In the most recent episode, Comic-Con legend Gareb Shamus explains how he used storytelling to create engagement and a "creator world" that grows and strengthens communities.

What started as a comic book newsletter, the hobby project of founder Gareb Shamus, eventually became known around the world as a magazine titled Wizard. According to Shamus, Wizard was the outlet in which he could "create a voice" and share with his friends the things he had discovered that excited him.

Shamus spoke about the importance of creating elements of engagement and not limiting creativity within communities to "unite them more around what they love". More importantly, he talks about how building engagement has allowed him to reach billions of people around the world in a way that has made it "fun to be a culture fan".

There is a natural synergy between comics and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), a topic covered in depth on this week's episode of NFT Steez, a bi-weekly Twitter space that explores the intersection of NFTs, culture and everything related to Web3.

"We must promote storytelling"

Asked about the role that storytelling will play in the Kumite NFT project, Shamus explained that Web3 enables greater participation and engagement whereby multiple stories, from multiple perspectives, can be told and expressed. In launching Kumite NFT, Shamus describes that it brings the hero's journey to holders and in this way, "everyone can be a hero in their journey".

When it comes to the sustainability of an NFT project, Shamus said for Kumite, developing a "play mechanic" from day one is key. This gameplay mechanic not only allows holders to participate, but also recognizes that the story is non-linear as the community can participate and have a say in how the story progresses.

Thinking about future Web3 trends

When asked about future trends in NFTs, the community, and Web3, Shamus took a risk and suggested that there must certainly be some semblance of a "morality guideline," but the ultimate goal of explore these uncharted territories of Web3. ..

Comic-Con guru explains why storytelling is key to successful NFT projects

Kumite NFT Founder Gareb Shamus talks to NFT Steez about how NFT projects can engage with their respective communities through storytelling .

Comic-Con guru explains why storytelling is the key component for successful NFT projects Market news

In the most recent episode, Comic-Con legend Gareb Shamus explains how he used storytelling to create engagement and a "creator world" that grows and strengthens communities.

What started as a comic book newsletter, the hobby project of founder Gareb Shamus, eventually became known around the world as a magazine titled Wizard. According to Shamus, Wizard was the outlet in which he could "create a voice" and share with his friends the things he had discovered that excited him.

Shamus spoke about the importance of creating elements of engagement and not limiting creativity within communities to "unite them more around what they love". More importantly, he talks about how building engagement has allowed him to reach billions of people around the world in a way that has made it "fun to be a culture fan".

There is a natural synergy between comics and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), a topic covered in depth on this week's episode of NFT Steez, a bi-weekly Twitter space that explores the intersection of NFTs, culture and everything related to Web3.

"We must promote storytelling"

Asked about the role that storytelling will play in the Kumite NFT project, Shamus explained that Web3 enables greater participation and engagement whereby multiple stories, from multiple perspectives, can be told and expressed. In launching Kumite NFT, Shamus describes that it brings the hero's journey to holders and in this way, "everyone can be a hero in their journey".

When it comes to the sustainability of an NFT project, Shamus said for Kumite, developing a "play mechanic" from day one is key. This gameplay mechanic not only allows holders to participate, but also recognizes that the story is non-linear as the community can participate and have a say in how the story progresses.

Thinking about future Web3 trends

When asked about future trends in NFTs, the community, and Web3, Shamus took a risk and suggested that there must certainly be some semblance of a "morality guideline," but the ultimate goal of explore these uncharted territories of Web3. ..

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