Communia hopes to create a safe digital space for women

Olivia Déramus doesn't plan on become A entrepreneur.

She grown up up In Washington, D.C., got A degree In international reports And went THE non-profit itinerary, bar campaigns around anti-violence work. Somewhere along THE double, She thoughtful about THE lack of digital on the spaces For women. Tolls, harassment And abuse run crawling on THE the Internet, next to body, beauty And just generalized shame against women.

Déramus had first hand experience with THE perils of social media And THE frustrations a lot women to have concerning THE lack of digital community they seek. Her answer has he all was Commune, A online social network For those WHO identify as women. Déramus said TechCrunch that people No longer wish has waste time on "swollen, full of trolls platforms that are more about posture that connection. »

"I built Community around A little key questions," She said. "What do real connection mean has real people, And how TO DO You architect that connection In A application And In A new way?"

Communia social app product images.< p id="caption-attachment-2599172" class="wp-caption-text"> Picture Credits: Community

Community beta spear In 2020 And has Never taken out funding. RIGHT NOW, Déramus said Community has more that 100,000 downloads And East ready has ladder even more. "With that, Capital risk funding East THE logic choice For We," She said about THE following steps.

After to assist A TechCrunch happy hour In The bone Angeles This year, She decided has apply has OUR To start up Battlefield Competition, Or around 200 companies not For A chance has earn A grandiose price. Her First of all time has Disturb was In 2022 And She said THE environment Really inspired her. "I have always admired TechCrunch, » She said. "I know What were TO DO East going has TO DO waves And I think TechCrunch East THE place has send that message."

Community East A hybrid of everyone favorite social media companies — allowing users has craftsmanship private blog style newspaper entries as Tumblr Or to write public impulsive posts as x. THE application Also has A self service well-being side has he, offer mood follow up, personal development tools And community groups has help people connect And to have organized, shade conversations, She said.

"These two sides Really create This cohesive social well-being product," Déramus added. "He serves has create A beneficial ride a bike of social connection that You can't find on any of them other social media platform. »

Communia social media app product images

Picture Credits: Community

Technically, cisgender identification Men are allowed on THE platform, However Frankly, She said, they are not encouraged. "Each No...

Communia hopes to create a safe digital space for women

Olivia Déramus doesn't plan on become A entrepreneur.

She grown up up In Washington, D.C., got A degree In international reports And went THE non-profit itinerary, bar campaigns around anti-violence work. Somewhere along THE double, She thoughtful about THE lack of digital on the spaces For women. Tolls, harassment And abuse run crawling on THE the Internet, next to body, beauty And just generalized shame against women.

Déramus had first hand experience with THE perils of social media And THE frustrations a lot women to have concerning THE lack of digital community they seek. Her answer has he all was Commune, A online social network For those WHO identify as women. Déramus said TechCrunch that people No longer wish has waste time on "swollen, full of trolls platforms that are more about posture that connection. »

"I built Community around A little key questions," She said. "What do real connection mean has real people, And how TO DO You architect that connection In A application And In A new way?"

Communia social app product images.< p id="caption-attachment-2599172" class="wp-caption-text"> Picture Credits: Community

Community beta spear In 2020 And has Never taken out funding. RIGHT NOW, Déramus said Community has more that 100,000 downloads And East ready has ladder even more. "With that, Capital risk funding East THE logic choice For We," She said about THE following steps.

After to assist A TechCrunch happy hour In The bone Angeles This year, She decided has apply has OUR To start up Battlefield Competition, Or around 200 companies not For A chance has earn A grandiose price. Her First of all time has Disturb was In 2022 And She said THE environment Really inspired her. "I have always admired TechCrunch, » She said. "I know What were TO DO East going has TO DO waves And I think TechCrunch East THE place has send that message."

Community East A hybrid of everyone favorite social media companies — allowing users has craftsmanship private blog style newspaper entries as Tumblr Or to write public impulsive posts as x. THE application Also has A self service well-being side has he, offer mood follow up, personal development tools And community groups has help people connect And to have organized, shade conversations, She said.

"These two sides Really create This cohesive social well-being product," Déramus added. "He serves has create A beneficial ride a bike of social connection that You can't find on any of them other social media platform. »

Communia social media app product images

Picture Credits: Community

Technically, cisgender identification Men are allowed on THE platform, However Frankly, She said, they are not encouraged. "Each No...

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