Consumer surveys reveal growing distrust of AI and the companies that use it.

A global consumer survey by Salesforce shows growing distrust of companies using AI, while a Australian survey finds most think it creates more problems than it creates. solves.

Cons Les consumer surveys show growing distrust of AI and the companies that use it News Join us on social networks

Consumers are developing a growing 'trust gap' with companies using artificial intelligence, and many are expressing concerns about the technology's potentially unethical use, according to a new survey Salesforce.

On August 28, the customer relationship software company released the results of a survey of more than 14,000 consumers and businesses in 25 countries, which suggests nearly three-quarters of customers are concerned about unethical use of AI.

Over 40% of customers surveyed do not trust companies to use AI ethically and nearly 70% say it is more important for companies to be trusted as AI technology is advancing.

One ​​thing is clear: there is a risk of lack of trust in AI.

As more businesses use AI, it's up to brands to earn the trust of their customers.

Check out more results from the new Connected Client Status report:

— Salesforce (@salesforce) August 28, 2023

Salesforce pointed out that respondents have become less receptive to the use of AI since last year.

In its 2022 survey, over 80% of business buyers and 65% of consumers were open to using AI to improve their experiences; these two percentages dropped to 73% and 51% respectively.

More problems than it solves

Furthermore, a separate survey of nearly 1,500 Australians published on August 28 by market research firm Roy Morgan found that almost 60% of respondents agree that AI "creates more problems than it solves".

An I...

Consumer surveys reveal growing distrust of AI and the companies that use it.

A global consumer survey by Salesforce shows growing distrust of companies using AI, while a Australian survey finds most think it creates more problems than it creates. solves.

Cons Les consumer surveys show growing distrust of AI and the companies that use it News Join us on social networks

Consumers are developing a growing 'trust gap' with companies using artificial intelligence, and many are expressing concerns about the technology's potentially unethical use, according to a new survey Salesforce.

On August 28, the customer relationship software company released the results of a survey of more than 14,000 consumers and businesses in 25 countries, which suggests nearly three-quarters of customers are concerned about unethical use of AI.

Over 40% of customers surveyed do not trust companies to use AI ethically and nearly 70% say it is more important for companies to be trusted as AI technology is advancing.

One ​​thing is clear: there is a risk of lack of trust in AI.

As more businesses use AI, it's up to brands to earn the trust of their customers.

Check out more results from the new Connected Client Status report:

— Salesforce (@salesforce) August 28, 2023

Salesforce pointed out that respondents have become less receptive to the use of AI since last year.

In its 2022 survey, over 80% of business buyers and 65% of consumers were open to using AI to improve their experiences; these two percentages dropped to 73% and 51% respectively.

More problems than it solves

Furthermore, a separate survey of nearly 1,500 Australians published on August 28 by market research firm Roy Morgan found that almost 60% of respondents agree that AI "creates more problems than it solves".

An I...

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