Country Star Chris Lane asks for prayers after taking 3 months. Old son at hospital emergency room

Chris Lane Lauren Lane See the gallery Chris Lane, Lauren Bushnell. Chris Lane, left, and Lauren Bushnell arrive at the CMT Music Awards, Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tenn2019 CMT Music Awards - Arrivals, Nashville , United States - June 05, 2019 Chris Lane and Lauren Bushnell ACM Facelift Lives TopGolf Tee-Off, Arrivals, Las Vegas, USA - April 6, 2019 Chris Lane, Lauren Bushnell 52nd Annual CMA Awards, Arrivals, Nashville, USA - November 14, 2018

Chris Lane asked fans for prayers on Wednesday night as he brought his 3-month-old son, Baker, who he shares with wife Lauren Lane (née Bushnell) to the ER . The 38-year-old country singer took to his Instagram Story (seen) on Jan. 11 to share a photo from outside an emergency room as he waited in his car. "Need prayers to make Baker feel better!" he wrote in the upper part of the photo.

Read moreLauren Bushnell

Thankfully, Chris returned to his Instagram story on Thursday afternoon to let fans know that Baker was able to go home. “He seems to be much better today thankfully,” he said in a short video. "So if you said a prayer for him, thank you very much, but keep praying. He's still not out of the woods, but hopefully soon."

Country Star Chris Lane asks for prayers after taking 3 months. Old son at hospital emergency room
Chris Lane Lauren Lane See the gallery Chris Lane, Lauren Bushnell. Chris Lane, left, and Lauren Bushnell arrive at the CMT Music Awards, Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tenn2019 CMT Music Awards - Arrivals, Nashville , United States - June 05, 2019 Chris Lane and Lauren Bushnell ACM Facelift Lives TopGolf Tee-Off, Arrivals, Las Vegas, USA - April 6, 2019 Chris Lane, Lauren Bushnell 52nd Annual CMA Awards, Arrivals, Nashville, USA - November 14, 2018

Chris Lane asked fans for prayers on Wednesday night as he brought his 3-month-old son, Baker, who he shares with wife Lauren Lane (née Bushnell) to the ER . The 38-year-old country singer took to his Instagram Story (seen) on Jan. 11 to share a photo from outside an emergency room as he waited in his car. "Need prayers to make Baker feel better!" he wrote in the upper part of the photo.

Read moreLauren Bushnell

Thankfully, Chris returned to his Instagram story on Thursday afternoon to let fans know that Baker was able to go home. “He seems to be much better today thankfully,” he said in a short video. "So if you said a prayer for him, thank you very much, but keep praying. He's still not out of the woods, but hopefully soon."

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