Cross River government warns Hausa-Fulani community over alleged appointment of 'Emir of Calabar'

The alleged appointment of an emir and the creation of an emirate in Calabar, the capital of Cross River State, has angered the state government and the people of the state.< /p>

At the last Sallah festival in Calabar, the recently crowned leader of the Hausa/Fulani community in the state capital, Alhaji Garba Lawan, younger brother of the deceased, was hailed and hailed as the Emir of Calabar and parade as such.

There were more and more proclamations on social media of the reported 'nomination', drawing comments from people who claimed that the territory of northern Nigeria extended into the Atlantic Ocean.


The action received very serious criticism from local kingmakers, residents, traditional leaders and politicians.

Threatened with action, the state government summoned the leaders of the state's Hausa/Fulani communities to the governor's office, where they were told in very strong terms to abolish the title immediately and to refrain from plots to create an emirate in Calabar.

Addressing the leaders on Tuesday, July 26, 2022, the Permanent Secretary for Special Services in the Governor's Office, Sir Alfred Mboto, said: "Under no circumstances should a member of the public address a Hausa leader /Fulani as "emir" in Cross River State.

"This is not acceptable in the state. The state is known for its peace and tranquility, welcoming and uniting all ethnic nationalities living in the state."

Mboto further stated that at the time of the meeting, the publishers of the Facebook posts had not been identified.

He did, however, pursue peace among the people.

The government has warned that no leader of the Hausa/Fulani community should be addressed as an emir or be seen with palace guards.

They also warned that “No Hausa/Fulani community leader should be seen with men armed with swords.

“Hausa/Fulani community leaders must report any illegal activity in its vicinity to the state government.”

The Governor's special adviser on chieftaincy issues, Mr. Adoga Ifop, said that the Hausa/Fulani community should issue a chieftaincy title in the state, as the issuance of chieftaincy titles is not part of their functions.

In separate speeches, the leader of the state's Hausa/Fulani Muslim community, Alhaji Garba Lawan; Chief Imam Kabeer Olowdayemi and other Hausa/Fulani community leaders in the state appreciated Mboto's consideration of the matter.

They promised to apologize immediately, saying they did not know the publisher of the social media posts.

They pleaded that the scenario would not happen again as the community would remain law abiding.

Present at the meeting were State Security Advisor (North), Mr. Murphy Ntol; State Security Adviser (South), Mr. Henry Okokon among other security experts.

Cross River government warns Hausa-Fulani community over alleged appointment of 'Emir of Calabar'

The alleged appointment of an emir and the creation of an emirate in Calabar, the capital of Cross River State, has angered the state government and the people of the state.< /p>

At the last Sallah festival in Calabar, the recently crowned leader of the Hausa/Fulani community in the state capital, Alhaji Garba Lawan, younger brother of the deceased, was hailed and hailed as the Emir of Calabar and parade as such.

There were more and more proclamations on social media of the reported 'nomination', drawing comments from people who claimed that the territory of northern Nigeria extended into the Atlantic Ocean.


The action received very serious criticism from local kingmakers, residents, traditional leaders and politicians.

Threatened with action, the state government summoned the leaders of the state's Hausa/Fulani communities to the governor's office, where they were told in very strong terms to abolish the title immediately and to refrain from plots to create an emirate in Calabar.

Addressing the leaders on Tuesday, July 26, 2022, the Permanent Secretary for Special Services in the Governor's Office, Sir Alfred Mboto, said: "Under no circumstances should a member of the public address a Hausa leader /Fulani as "emir" in Cross River State.

"This is not acceptable in the state. The state is known for its peace and tranquility, welcoming and uniting all ethnic nationalities living in the state."

Mboto further stated that at the time of the meeting, the publishers of the Facebook posts had not been identified.

He did, however, pursue peace among the people.

The government has warned that no leader of the Hausa/Fulani community should be addressed as an emir or be seen with palace guards.

They also warned that “No Hausa/Fulani community leader should be seen with men armed with swords.

“Hausa/Fulani community leaders must report any illegal activity in its vicinity to the state government.”

The Governor's special adviser on chieftaincy issues, Mr. Adoga Ifop, said that the Hausa/Fulani community should issue a chieftaincy title in the state, as the issuance of chieftaincy titles is not part of their functions.

In separate speeches, the leader of the state's Hausa/Fulani Muslim community, Alhaji Garba Lawan; Chief Imam Kabeer Olowdayemi and other Hausa/Fulani community leaders in the state appreciated Mboto's consideration of the matter.

They promised to apologize immediately, saying they did not know the publisher of the social media posts.

They pleaded that the scenario would not happen again as the community would remain law abiding.

Present at the meeting were State Security Advisor (North), Mr. Murphy Ntol; State Security Adviser (South), Mr. Henry Okokon among other security experts.

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