Salted or unsalted hot dogs: is there really a difference?

Cured hot dogs are THE most common variety of hot dog. They are do with synthetic sodium nitrite, Also known as nitrite salt. Sodium nitrite has has been part of THE human diet Since has less THE days of ancient Egypt, but he was not made on aim SO as he East NOW. Back SO, salt did not go through industrial purification, exit he with a lot contaminants, including nitrite. THE power of heal salts was Really discovered by accident.


You can wonder Why THE nitrite In Today cured hot dogs East SO controversial if people to have has been eat he For SO long, but early shapes of cured meat doesn't contain as a lot nitrite as they TO DO Today. THE establishment of government food regulations put A to focus on to prevent bacteria, leading has upper nitrite use.

WE. federal guidelines suggest eat No more that 3.7 milligrams of nitrite by kg of body weight each day. That means A person WHO weighs around 155 pound sterling can to have up has 260 milligrams of nitrite by day. According to has WebMD, hot dogs on average contain only 50 micrograms of nitrites For each 100 grams of meat (just on two hot dogs). That Rising can seem as Nothing, but a lot cured hot dogs Also contain upper levels of nitrate, A compound that breaks down In nitrite In your digestive system. Medical studies to have watch that eat treaty meats can increase your risk of cancer, particularly colorectal cancer.


Salted or unsalted hot dogs: is there really a difference?

Cured hot dogs are THE most common variety of hot dog. They are do with synthetic sodium nitrite, Also known as nitrite salt. Sodium nitrite has has been part of THE human diet Since has less THE days of ancient Egypt, but he was not made on aim SO as he East NOW. Back SO, salt did not go through industrial purification, exit he with a lot contaminants, including nitrite. THE power of heal salts was Really discovered by accident.


You can wonder Why THE nitrite In Today cured hot dogs East SO controversial if people to have has been eat he For SO long, but early shapes of cured meat doesn't contain as a lot nitrite as they TO DO Today. THE establishment of government food regulations put A to focus on to prevent bacteria, leading has upper nitrite use.

WE. federal guidelines suggest eat No more that 3.7 milligrams of nitrite by kg of body weight each day. That means A person WHO weighs around 155 pound sterling can to have up has 260 milligrams of nitrite by day. According to has WebMD, hot dogs on average contain only 50 micrograms of nitrites For each 100 grams of meat (just on two hot dogs). That Rising can seem as Nothing, but a lot cured hot dogs Also contain upper levels of nitrate, A compound that breaks down In nitrite In your digestive system. Medical studies to have watch that eat treaty meats can increase your risk of cancer, particularly colorectal cancer.


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