Dapo Abiodun's path to ultimate judicial vindication

YESTERDAY, In A supremely GOOD argued judgement, Nigeria summit court valid THE election of Prince Dapo Abiodun as THE governor of Nigeria bridge State. Leading A five members sign, Justice Tijani Abubakar threw THE call deposit by Ladi Adebutu, THE governorship candidate of THE Peoples Democratic To party (PDP) In THE March 18, 2023 In THE State, In It is natural habitat: THE garbage can can. Immediately THE news filtered through, happy celebrations exploded through THE State. THE people had endured A plot of tribulations Since shameless characters WHO turned electoral competition In flight, SO research judicial validation through comedy, infective THE waves with salacious stories supposed has undermine THE people governor but only putting their pernicious personalities In bold relief. THE people endured THE audacity, awareness that they had elected A perform government And confident that THE courts would be affirm their freely Express choice. Hurray!!!

THE in progress celebrations through Ogun State to have has been richly deserved, but THE road has victory was paving stone with the spikes. In THE last four And half years, Prince Abiodun has had has endure A path scattered with pebbles, dark waters And broken bottles. In 2019 When he First of all emerged governor, he had do SO against all odds. Her predecessor had fought him has A stop, And he I could not campaign freely through THE State. Her campaign posters were torn And if You appeared In THE YELLOW vest partner with her supporters, You were immediately jumped on by thugs. He won THE election, but THE vehicle used during her inauguration on Can 29, 1999 was borrowed Since A neighbor State: such was THE The establishment assault on THE Born in Iperu prince And business magnate. And THE battle Since THE court has THE to appeal court And THE summit court was Nothing short of titanic.

As In 2019, SO In 2023 When, In A connection testimony has her lifestyle change projects, THE people reward him with another term of desk. THE year present memories that will linger. As he crisscross local Governments In THE State to make a campaign vigorously For re-election, opponents In And without mounted fierce opposition. Her predecessor, Ibikunle Amosun, WHO had failed has install A boyfriend In 2019 And WHO had mounted vigorous campaigns of calumny through THE State For THE four years of her (Abiodun) administration, anointed Again another failure In THE accumulate has THE 2023 polls even while remaining In THE All Progressives Congress (APC). As Amosun led her assaults, socket advantage of A climate of peace impossible In her own day, THE main opposition to party, PDP, perfected It is own act, banking on vote purchase. In order has manipulate THE electoral process, THE PDP candidate, according to has THE charges deposit against him And her co-travelers by THE Federal Government, allegedly printed on 200,000 Like an ATM cards And bribed POV agents has to carry out electoral fraud. And, What East more, dissidents In APC, including former leaders WHO collection millions has work against their own to party, mounted roadblocks on her path. However, THE people were determined has stay by their governor.

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And SO came THE court case And THE to hate campaigns. THE opposition, United by lust For power, called him each wrong name below THE sun. They in dress him In THE suit of A wicked, rejected her people oriented diagrams as A thing, And sponsored items by To hack And hiring writers has distract him, intention on give up THE climate of peace In THE State. Indeed, they did not even spare members of her cupboard, a few of Who they wrote salacious stories about as A path of derailment her government. THE governor could not believe THE audacity. He said: "I don't do it know What moral standing A Ladi Adebut would be to have has call My mandate freely given has Me by THE GOOD people of Ogun State, A stolen mandate. Someone WHO did All has buy THE election, someone WHO went in front And printed cards And was distribute them; someone WHO East focused towards criminal case, someone WHO has has been arrested!

THE PDP And It is allies Indeed turned policy opposition, A credible democratic institution supposed has keep government on It is toes, In pure nonsense, deployment excoriation And demonization as articles of faith. They deployed character assassination, FAKE allegations, insinuation, downright lies, accusing THE governor And her team of THE very things they had do In A satanically shameless manner. This makes Friday verdict such A soft victory. THE governor defeated Adebut three zero through THE courts, replication THE 2019 model. Unhappy with THE governor victory, Adebut had approach THE Elections Petitions Court with her cancerous case, And THE tribe...

Dapo Abiodun's path to ultimate judicial vindication

YESTERDAY, In A supremely GOOD argued judgement, Nigeria summit court valid THE election of Prince Dapo Abiodun as THE governor of Nigeria bridge State. Leading A five members sign, Justice Tijani Abubakar threw THE call deposit by Ladi Adebutu, THE governorship candidate of THE Peoples Democratic To party (PDP) In THE March 18, 2023 In THE State, In It is natural habitat: THE garbage can can. Immediately THE news filtered through, happy celebrations exploded through THE State. THE people had endured A plot of tribulations Since shameless characters WHO turned electoral competition In flight, SO research judicial validation through comedy, infective THE waves with salacious stories supposed has undermine THE people governor but only putting their pernicious personalities In bold relief. THE people endured THE audacity, awareness that they had elected A perform government And confident that THE courts would be affirm their freely Express choice. Hurray!!!

THE in progress celebrations through Ogun State to have has been richly deserved, but THE road has victory was paving stone with the spikes. In THE last four And half years, Prince Abiodun has had has endure A path scattered with pebbles, dark waters And broken bottles. In 2019 When he First of all emerged governor, he had do SO against all odds. Her predecessor had fought him has A stop, And he I could not campaign freely through THE State. Her campaign posters were torn And if You appeared In THE YELLOW vest partner with her supporters, You were immediately jumped on by thugs. He won THE election, but THE vehicle used during her inauguration on Can 29, 1999 was borrowed Since A neighbor State: such was THE The establishment assault on THE Born in Iperu prince And business magnate. And THE battle Since THE court has THE to appeal court And THE summit court was Nothing short of titanic.

As In 2019, SO In 2023 When, In A connection testimony has her lifestyle change projects, THE people reward him with another term of desk. THE year present memories that will linger. As he crisscross local Governments In THE State to make a campaign vigorously For re-election, opponents In And without mounted fierce opposition. Her predecessor, Ibikunle Amosun, WHO had failed has install A boyfriend In 2019 And WHO had mounted vigorous campaigns of calumny through THE State For THE four years of her (Abiodun) administration, anointed Again another failure In THE accumulate has THE 2023 polls even while remaining In THE All Progressives Congress (APC). As Amosun led her assaults, socket advantage of A climate of peace impossible In her own day, THE main opposition to party, PDP, perfected It is own act, banking on vote purchase. In order has manipulate THE electoral process, THE PDP candidate, according to has THE charges deposit against him And her co-travelers by THE Federal Government, allegedly printed on 200,000 Like an ATM cards And bribed POV agents has to carry out electoral fraud. And, What East more, dissidents In APC, including former leaders WHO collection millions has work against their own to party, mounted roadblocks on her path. However, THE people were determined has stay by their governor.

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And SO came THE court case And THE to hate campaigns. THE opposition, United by lust For power, called him each wrong name below THE sun. They in dress him In THE suit of A wicked, rejected her people oriented diagrams as A thing, And sponsored items by To hack And hiring writers has distract him, intention on give up THE climate of peace In THE State. Indeed, they did not even spare members of her cupboard, a few of Who they wrote salacious stories about as A path of derailment her government. THE governor could not believe THE audacity. He said: "I don't do it know What moral standing A Ladi Adebut would be to have has call My mandate freely given has Me by THE GOOD people of Ogun State, A stolen mandate. Someone WHO did All has buy THE election, someone WHO went in front And printed cards And was distribute them; someone WHO East focused towards criminal case, someone WHO has has been arrested!

THE PDP And It is allies Indeed turned policy opposition, A credible democratic institution supposed has keep government on It is toes, In pure nonsense, deployment excoriation And demonization as articles of faith. They deployed character assassination, FAKE allegations, insinuation, downright lies, accusing THE governor And her team of THE very things they had do In A satanically shameless manner. This makes Friday verdict such A soft victory. THE governor defeated Adebut three zero through THE courts, replication THE 2019 model. Unhappy with THE governor victory, Adebut had approach THE Elections Petitions Court with her cancerous case, And THE tribe...

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