David Breashears dies: Producer of IMAX documentary about climbing Everest was 68

David Breashears, including mountaineering directed him has climb Mount. Everest five times, deceased has her Massachusetts House on THURSDAY. He was 68 And No cause has has been determined.

Bresears co-directed And co-produced A 1998 IMAX documentary For Universal, Everest, about escalation THE legendary mountain. Pictures Since that shipping has THE peak do him A celebrity In THE outside world.

"He combined her passion For escalation And photography has become A of THE of the world most admired adventure filmmakers", her family said In A writing declaration.

David Breashears dies: Producer of IMAX documentary about climbing Everest was 68

David Breashears, including mountaineering directed him has climb Mount. Everest five times, deceased has her Massachusetts House on THURSDAY. He was 68 And No cause has has been determined.

Bresears co-directed And co-produced A 1998 IMAX documentary For Universal, Everest, about escalation THE legendary mountain. Pictures Since that shipping has THE peak do him A celebrity In THE outside world.

"He combined her passion For escalation And photography has become A of THE of the world most admired adventure filmmakers", her family said In A writing declaration.

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