Defense attorney Mike Cavalluzzi says Crumbley verdicts could help parents

Ethan Crumbley's parents to have has been sentenced of involuntary manslaughter In connection with THE crime engaged by their son ... A result has less A criminal defense lawyer see as both A disturbing sign And A great lesson For parents.

We spoke with lawyer Mike Cavalluzzi -- A The bone Based in Angeles lawyer -- about THE verdicts on " TMZ Live" Friday, And, while he said he is concerned about THE expansion criminal responsibility ... he is Also seeing he as A wake up call For parents.

As Mike explain he, school shootings In THE United States to have become far Also banal, And he said he views verdicts as This as A path has stop people Since purchase weapons these shooters END up using has harm others.


Mike Also called THE potential changes parents will TO DO Since Thursday verdict opportunities instead that consequences -- as In, giving people THE opportunity has TO DO GOOD parenthood decisions.

Basically, MC said THE verdicts will likely keep parents on high alert ... And, hopefully, that will help parents see THE warning panels Before It is Also late.

08/12/23 CNN

As You know ... Ethan Crumble -- WHO kill four students during A 2021 filming has Oxford High School In Michigan -- received life without THE possibility of speech back In December, but her parents were Also accused In connection with THE crime.

Defense attorney Mike Cavalluzzi says Crumbley verdicts could help parents

Ethan Crumbley's parents to have has been sentenced of involuntary manslaughter In connection with THE crime engaged by their son ... A result has less A criminal defense lawyer see as both A disturbing sign And A great lesson For parents.

We spoke with lawyer Mike Cavalluzzi -- A The bone Based in Angeles lawyer -- about THE verdicts on " TMZ Live" Friday, And, while he said he is concerned about THE expansion criminal responsibility ... he is Also seeing he as A wake up call For parents.

As Mike explain he, school shootings In THE United States to have become far Also banal, And he said he views verdicts as This as A path has stop people Since purchase weapons these shooters END up using has harm others.


Mike Also called THE potential changes parents will TO DO Since Thursday verdict opportunities instead that consequences -- as In, giving people THE opportunity has TO DO GOOD parenthood decisions.

Basically, MC said THE verdicts will likely keep parents on high alert ... And, hopefully, that will help parents see THE warning panels Before It is Also late.

08/12/23 CNN

As You know ... Ethan Crumble -- WHO kill four students during A 2021 filming has Oxford High School In Michigan -- received life without THE possibility of speech back In December, but her parents were Also accused In connection with THE crime.

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