Elon Musk's conversation with $1.6 billion fund CEO Nicolai Tangen about X-spaces hits technical issues

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You're here And EspaceX CEO Elon Musk live discussion with Nicolaï Tangen, THE CEO from Norges Bank Investment Management, on X, Previously Twitter, was spoils by technical problems.

What Arrived: Musk discussion on X The spaces was disturbed by audio problems on Monday. THE interruptions occurred while Musk And Tangen, which supervises approximately $1.6 thousand billion In assets, were discuss the subjects such as artificial intelligence, electric Vehicles, And X the future, Bloomberg reported

He remains not clear if THE technical problems were related has X, that of Musk, Or Tangen the Internet Connections Or another issue. However, they were reminding of A similar issue during A The spaces event hosted by Musk almost A year There is with Ron DeSantis, THE Florida governor, WHO had announcement her presidential campaign but later suspended that.

Subscribe has theBenzinga Technology Tendencies newsletterat get all THE last technology developments book has your inbox.

In the middle of all THE technical problems, Musk did not forget has Alexander challenge of Moraes, a Brazil Supreme Court Justice who accused him of departure misinformation campaign on X, to join him For his next The spaces event.

See Also: Elon Musk Calls For Easier WE Immigration System For Qualified Workers: 'Very Important HAS Do He Easy For Talented People

For what He Imported: Musk X The spaces to have has been prey by technical problems In THE pass. In March, A discussion with Gad Saad, A evolutionary behavioral scientist, was also screened with Failure. HAS THE time, THE technology billionaire admitted that there were a few insects In THE system And that THE platform would be fix these problems earlier instead that later.

Musk relationship with X has has been hectic Since he acquired THE platform in 2022 For $44 billion In FEBRUARY earlier This year. Loyalty preserved It is bet In X, but THE the platform assessment experimented fluctuations. HAS THE time, he was reported that loyalty retained It is bet has A 68% reduction compared with has THE technology the tycoon initial purchase price. This suggests A assessment of approximately $14.1 billion by Loyalty.

Check out more of by Benzinga Consumer Technology blanket ennext This link.

Read Next: Elon Musk X Could Be Following After Tic Tac, Said Ancient Home Democrat: 'Not HAS All A Stretchable Of Imagination'

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Elon Musk's conversation with $1.6 billion fund CEO Nicolai Tangen about X-spaces hits technical issues
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You're here And EspaceX CEO Elon Musk live discussion with Nicolaï Tangen, THE CEO from Norges Bank Investment Management, on X, Previously Twitter, was spoils by technical problems.

What Arrived: Musk discussion on X The spaces was disturbed by audio problems on Monday. THE interruptions occurred while Musk And Tangen, which supervises approximately $1.6 thousand billion In assets, were discuss the subjects such as artificial intelligence, electric Vehicles, And X the future, Bloomberg reported

He remains not clear if THE technical problems were related has X, that of Musk, Or Tangen the Internet Connections Or another issue. However, they were reminding of A similar issue during A The spaces event hosted by Musk almost A year There is with Ron DeSantis, THE Florida governor, WHO had announcement her presidential campaign but later suspended that.

Subscribe has theBenzinga Technology Tendencies newsletterat get all THE last technology developments book has your inbox.

In the middle of all THE technical problems, Musk did not forget has Alexander challenge of Moraes, a Brazil Supreme Court Justice who accused him of departure misinformation campaign on X, to join him For his next The spaces event.

See Also: Elon Musk Calls For Easier WE Immigration System For Qualified Workers: 'Very Important HAS Do He Easy For Talented People

For what He Imported: Musk X The spaces to have has been prey by technical problems In THE pass. In March, A discussion with Gad Saad, A evolutionary behavioral scientist, was also screened with Failure. HAS THE time, THE technology billionaire admitted that there were a few insects In THE system And that THE platform would be fix these problems earlier instead that later.

Musk relationship with X has has been hectic Since he acquired THE platform in 2022 For $44 billion In FEBRUARY earlier This year. Loyalty preserved It is bet In X, but THE the platform assessment experimented fluctuations. HAS THE time, he was reported that loyalty retained It is bet has A 68% reduction compared with has THE technology the tycoon initial purchase price. This suggests A assessment of approximately $14.1 billion by Loyalty.

Check out more of by Benzinga Consumer Technology blanket ennext This link.

Read Next: Elon Musk X Could Be Following After Tic Tac, Said Ancient Home Democrat: 'Not HAS All A Stretchable Of Imagination'

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