'Enola Holmes 2': Everything you need to know about Millie Bobby Brown's next movie

Millie Bobby Brown, Sam Claflin and Henry Cavill See the gallery ENOLA HOLMES. (L to R) LOUIS PARTRIDGE as TEWKSBURY, MILLIE BOBBY BROWN as ENOLA HOLMES. Cr. ALEX BAILEY/LEGENDARY ©2020 www.robertviglasky.com

Millie Bobby Brown resumes her detective work in Victorian England, and this time she has her hands full with another serious missing person case! The Enola Holmes star, 18, reprises her feminist role as the younger sister of famed detective Sherlock Holmes (Henry Cavill) and daughter of Eudoria (Helena Bonham Carter) in the upcoming sequel < em>Enola Holmes 2, and so far it promises the same costumes, action and likeability of the original.

More Millie Bobby Brown
Millie Bobby BrownMillie Bobby Brown as by Enola Holmes (Everett Collection)

As background, Enola Holmes, (which marked the beginning of the actress as a lead role in a feature film) has hit streaming giant Netflix amid the global COVID-19 pandemic.

'Enola Holmes 2': Everything you need to know about Millie Bobby Brown's next movie
Millie Bobby Brown, Sam Claflin and Henry Cavill See the gallery ENOLA HOLMES. (L to R) LOUIS PARTRIDGE as TEWKSBURY, MILLIE BOBBY BROWN as ENOLA HOLMES. Cr. ALEX BAILEY/LEGENDARY ©2020 www.robertviglasky.com

Millie Bobby Brown resumes her detective work in Victorian England, and this time she has her hands full with another serious missing person case! The Enola Holmes star, 18, reprises her feminist role as the younger sister of famed detective Sherlock Holmes (Henry Cavill) and daughter of Eudoria (Helena Bonham Carter) in the upcoming sequel < em>Enola Holmes 2, and so far it promises the same costumes, action and likeability of the original.

More Millie Bobby Brown
Millie Bobby BrownMillie Bobby Brown as by Enola Holmes (Everett Collection)

As background, Enola Holmes, (which marked the beginning of the actress as a lead role in a feature film) has hit streaming giant Netflix amid the global COVID-19 pandemic.

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