Enough strike, parents tell ASUU

Parents around the country have hit out at striking public university professors for extending their six-month-old industrial action for another four weeks from Monday, saying the action is grossly unpatriotic .

A sampling of them including the National Chairman of the Parents Teachers Association of Nigeria (NPTAN), Alhaji Haruna Danjuma, as well as the Deputy Deputy Chairman, Chief Adeolu Ogunbanjo , condemned the expansion on Monday when Tribune Online asked for their reactions to the development.

They said it was not just the federal government they could no longer trust, but also the University Academic Staff Union.

They said ASUU had no moral justification for continuing the strike after shutting down activities at universities for the past six months if they truly had the best interests of the community at heart. their students and their parents.


Danjuma said that even though the government should have come to a conclusion with ASUU on their continuing crisis before now, ASUU on its side supposes not to insist on all its demands being satisfied by the government before returning to class.

He said students and parents had lost hope in both the federal government and ASUU because no one he said could say categorically when exactly students would return. in class.

He said that serious damage had already been done not only to the education sector but to the economy of the country as a whole by keeping students away from studies for so long and now, keeping them idle at home could cause irreparable damage. to society.

He said ASUU should heed calls from parents and other stakeholders to call off the strike unconditionally so that normalcy can return to campuses.

In his reaction, Chief Ogunbanjo said that ASUU should have listened to the voice of reasoning of good Nigerian people, especially parents and students, and amended its demands for the sake of the audience.

He said that even for the first instance, ASUU was supposed not to dictate to its employers what particular salaries to pay and on what platform let alone hold the government to ransom as it does .

He said that ASUU members are on continuous strike because according to him many of them have no children in public universities and also teach part-time in private universities.

He said that as things stand, parents and students doubt ASUU's acclaimed sincerity in fighting for the public interest.

He said it was completely unacceptable that ASUU did not care about its students, many of whom he said had taken on vices due to idleness.

He therefore urged ASUU and the federal government to reach a compromise on their differences without further delay and allow students to return to class.

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Enough strike, parents tell ASUU

Parents around the country have hit out at striking public university professors for extending their six-month-old industrial action for another four weeks from Monday, saying the action is grossly unpatriotic .

A sampling of them including the National Chairman of the Parents Teachers Association of Nigeria (NPTAN), Alhaji Haruna Danjuma, as well as the Deputy Deputy Chairman, Chief Adeolu Ogunbanjo , condemned the expansion on Monday when Tribune Online asked for their reactions to the development.

They said it was not just the federal government they could no longer trust, but also the University Academic Staff Union.

They said ASUU had no moral justification for continuing the strike after shutting down activities at universities for the past six months if they truly had the best interests of the community at heart. their students and their parents.


Danjuma said that even though the government should have come to a conclusion with ASUU on their continuing crisis before now, ASUU on its side supposes not to insist on all its demands being satisfied by the government before returning to class.

He said students and parents had lost hope in both the federal government and ASUU because no one he said could say categorically when exactly students would return. in class.

He said that serious damage had already been done not only to the education sector but to the economy of the country as a whole by keeping students away from studies for so long and now, keeping them idle at home could cause irreparable damage. to society.

He said ASUU should heed calls from parents and other stakeholders to call off the strike unconditionally so that normalcy can return to campuses.

In his reaction, Chief Ogunbanjo said that ASUU should have listened to the voice of reasoning of good Nigerian people, especially parents and students, and amended its demands for the sake of the audience.

He said that even for the first instance, ASUU was supposed not to dictate to its employers what particular salaries to pay and on what platform let alone hold the government to ransom as it does .

He said that ASUU members are on continuous strike because according to him many of them have no children in public universities and also teach part-time in private universities.

He said that as things stand, parents and students doubt ASUU's acclaimed sincerity in fighting for the public interest.

He said it was completely unacceptable that ASUU did not care about its students, many of whom he said had taken on vices due to idleness.

He therefore urged ASUU and the federal government to reach a compromise on their differences without further delay and allow students to return to class.

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