EU Presents Management Tools to INEC to Improve Nigeria's Electoral System

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) received innovative election management tools from the European Union Support for Democratic Governance in Nigeria (EU-SDGN) on Thursday.

The tools were provided by Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI), to further improve the Nigerian electoral system.

Technological tools, received by INEC Chairman, Mahmood Yakubu at INEC Headquarters in Abuja, were presented by Acting Head of Development Cooperation of the European Union Delegation, Ruben Aguilera.

They include the Rankings and Returning Officer Management System (CROMS); Election Results Management System (ERMS); Political Parties Financial Reporting and Auditing System (PFRAS).

There was also a media monitoring and analysis tool as well as an online application for voters and poll workers, to easily locate existing polling stations across the country.


Mr. Yakubu, while commending the EU-SDGN for its support, said the CENI would look closely at the tools with a view to adopting them or refining them as necessary, to address immediate and emerging challenges in the conduct of elections. /p >

He commended the EU-SDGN for supporting INEC through its Phase II project with several components, the first of which focused on supporting INEC through the DAI.

Mr. Yakubu said the support was designed to address five thematic areas, namely improving and strengthening planning and operational capacities.

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Other areas are improving the Commission's internal communication and external engagement with stakeholders and building the Electoral Institute's capacity in training and research, among others.

He said that during the current election cycle, DAI has provided support for capacity building, technical assistance, printing of non-sensitive reports and information leaflets.

He said that INEC was happy that today some of the tools developed in collaboration with DAI were handed over to the commission.

These included the CROMS intended to streamline, simplify and enhance the security, reliability and credibility of the filing and polling officer recruitment process, according to Yakubu.

“ERMS aims to ensure a better results management process, improving accuracy and creating a repository of election results, which is contemplated by Article 62 (1) and (2) of the electoral law of 2022.

"The Media Monitoring and Analysis Tool aims to enhance the Commission's ability to filter media coverage of the Commission.

“PFRAS seeks to help the commission monitor political party funding more effectively and efficiently,” he said.

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Mr. Yakubu said that when developing the tools, DAI consultants worked closely with the technical team and senior staff members of INEC.

He added that the tools aimed to address specific challenges faced in the implementation of electoral activities, thus bringing technology to improve the operational efficiency of the commission.

“The tools therefore offer innovative solutions that could promote efficiency, speed, due diligence and trust in the electoral process,” Yakubu said.

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The INEC President added that the tools were not specifically designed for a particular election cycle, hence their usefulness for future elections and...

EU Presents Management Tools to INEC to Improve Nigeria's Electoral System

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) received innovative election management tools from the European Union Support for Democratic Governance in Nigeria (EU-SDGN) on Thursday.

The tools were provided by Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI), to further improve the Nigerian electoral system.

Technological tools, received by INEC Chairman, Mahmood Yakubu at INEC Headquarters in Abuja, were presented by Acting Head of Development Cooperation of the European Union Delegation, Ruben Aguilera.

They include the Rankings and Returning Officer Management System (CROMS); Election Results Management System (ERMS); Political Parties Financial Reporting and Auditing System (PFRAS).

There was also a media monitoring and analysis tool as well as an online application for voters and poll workers, to easily locate existing polling stations across the country.


Mr. Yakubu, while commending the EU-SDGN for its support, said the CENI would look closely at the tools with a view to adopting them or refining them as necessary, to address immediate and emerging challenges in the conduct of elections. /p >

He commended the EU-SDGN for supporting INEC through its Phase II project with several components, the first of which focused on supporting INEC through the DAI.

Mr. Yakubu said the support was designed to address five thematic areas, namely improving and strengthening planning and operational capacities.

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Other areas are improving the Commission's internal communication and external engagement with stakeholders and building the Electoral Institute's capacity in training and research, among others.

He said that during the current election cycle, DAI has provided support for capacity building, technical assistance, printing of non-sensitive reports and information leaflets.

He said that INEC was happy that today some of the tools developed in collaboration with DAI were handed over to the commission.

These included the CROMS intended to streamline, simplify and enhance the security, reliability and credibility of the filing and polling officer recruitment process, according to Yakubu.

“ERMS aims to ensure a better results management process, improving accuracy and creating a repository of election results, which is contemplated by Article 62 (1) and (2) of the electoral law of 2022.

"The Media Monitoring and Analysis Tool aims to enhance the Commission's ability to filter media coverage of the Commission.

“PFRAS seeks to help the commission monitor political party funding more effectively and efficiently,” he said.

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Mr. Yakubu said that when developing the tools, DAI consultants worked closely with the technical team and senior staff members of INEC.

He added that the tools aimed to address specific challenges faced in the implementation of electoral activities, thus bringing technology to improve the operational efficiency of the commission.

“The tools therefore offer innovative solutions that could promote efficiency, speed, due diligence and trust in the electoral process,” Yakubu said.

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The INEC President added that the tools were not specifically designed for a particular election cycle, hence their usefulness for future elections and...

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