Experience: a baby seal broke into our house

We moved to Mount Maunganui, a small seaside community in New Zealand's beautiful Bay of Plenty, 10 years ago for my husband Phil's work as a biologist marine. I had seen seals around Pilot Bay, which is near here. Sometimes you see them on the rocks, sunning or playing, but usually on their own territory.

It was a dark winter morning in August of this year when the seal arrived. At 5:50 a.m., I left the house to go do fitness. I walked down to the car parked in the driveway and heard a grunt. I thought our naughty cat, Coco, must have chased a dog under the car.

I jumped in the car to avoid getting my ankles pinched, and I moved slowly, but then I felt the car brush against something. When I came out to take a look I couldn't see anything and thought it must have moved on. Then, when I sat back down, I saw a baby seal in the headlights.

I thought, "Oh my God", but I didn't. panicked: the ocean is just down the driveway and I thought it would find its way back. I went to practice and made everyone laugh when I said, "Sorry I'm late, there was a bucket under the car."

I didn't think again until I got home. As I walked through the garage, I noticed that our buckets had been moved. I wondered if it was the seal, but dismissed it because I didn't think it could fit through the cat flap, which was the only way into the garage. But I was wrong. When I opened the door to the house, I touched something and heard this flip-flip-flip-flip sound, and I thought, "God, that's the seal."< /p>

The seal at the foot of the stairs.

It was so cute, like an adorable soft toy with big wet eyes. Part of me wanted to keep it, but the seals smell bad. I was aware that it was a wild animal, and even though it was cute, I didn't want to know how sharp those teeth were.

He told me has watched. I retired and went to see the children. They were sleeping. I phoned Phil, who was returning home from a work trip, thinking he wasn't going to believe what was happening.

The seal stayed in home for another half hour or so. I was sitting near the bottom of the stairs and I heard him growl and huff. I stuck my head in our guest bedroom only to find that she had made her way there and onto the couch. He was trying to get on the standing desk. I said, "Oi, no!" He turned and looked at me, and settled down, which was very civilized.

We called a ranger from the Department of Conservation, and someone came to get the seal. It's sad to see a wild creature wrapped in a net, but I was comforted after the guard said it would be released in a sheltered area away from the dogs.

Experience: a baby seal broke into our house

We moved to Mount Maunganui, a small seaside community in New Zealand's beautiful Bay of Plenty, 10 years ago for my husband Phil's work as a biologist marine. I had seen seals around Pilot Bay, which is near here. Sometimes you see them on the rocks, sunning or playing, but usually on their own territory.

It was a dark winter morning in August of this year when the seal arrived. At 5:50 a.m., I left the house to go do fitness. I walked down to the car parked in the driveway and heard a grunt. I thought our naughty cat, Coco, must have chased a dog under the car.

I jumped in the car to avoid getting my ankles pinched, and I moved slowly, but then I felt the car brush against something. When I came out to take a look I couldn't see anything and thought it must have moved on. Then, when I sat back down, I saw a baby seal in the headlights.

I thought, "Oh my God", but I didn't. panicked: the ocean is just down the driveway and I thought it would find its way back. I went to practice and made everyone laugh when I said, "Sorry I'm late, there was a bucket under the car."

I didn't think again until I got home. As I walked through the garage, I noticed that our buckets had been moved. I wondered if it was the seal, but dismissed it because I didn't think it could fit through the cat flap, which was the only way into the garage. But I was wrong. When I opened the door to the house, I touched something and heard this flip-flip-flip-flip sound, and I thought, "God, that's the seal."< /p>

The seal at the foot of the stairs.

It was so cute, like an adorable soft toy with big wet eyes. Part of me wanted to keep it, but the seals smell bad. I was aware that it was a wild animal, and even though it was cute, I didn't want to know how sharp those teeth were.

He told me has watched. I retired and went to see the children. They were sleeping. I phoned Phil, who was returning home from a work trip, thinking he wasn't going to believe what was happening.

The seal stayed in home for another half hour or so. I was sitting near the bottom of the stairs and I heard him growl and huff. I stuck my head in our guest bedroom only to find that she had made her way there and onto the couch. He was trying to get on the standing desk. I said, "Oi, no!" He turned and looked at me, and settled down, which was very civilized.

We called a ranger from the Department of Conservation, and someone came to get the seal. It's sad to see a wild creature wrapped in a net, but I was comforted after the guard said it would be released in a sheltered area away from the dogs.

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