Exploring the potential of generative AI in games

Connect with the top leaders in gaming in Los Angeles during GamesBeat Summit 2023 on May 22-23. Register here.

Beamable's Jon Radoff, Inworld AI's Kylan Gibbs, Berkeley Synthetic's Matt White, and Hidden Door's Hilary Mason sat down at GamesBeat Summit to talk about the potential of generative AI in games, today and in the future. the future.

There is one thing we probably all agree on when it comes to AI in games. Anything a human could oversee in a gaming experience has the potential to overwhelm a human with complexity. The perception of generative AI in games is primarily aimed at work use. Much of the conversation focuses on creation and its potential impact on workers.

But there is another angle. AI as content administrators and enablers. Think of a game like Destiny 2, with its small open-world events. They're fun the first few times, but the whole process gets a bit stale. Imagine what an AI could accomplish if it was there to mix and match content. Or if it could scale entire events based on the number of people in the area.

This approach to AI is kind of at the heart of Hidden Door's business model.


GamesBeat Summit 2023

Join the GamesBeat community in Los Angeles on May 22-23. You'll hear from the brightest minds in the gaming industry to share their updates on the latest developments.

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"The thing we're building couldn't be built without the underlying technology," Mason said. “You could create a similar experience, but you would have to put a human in it. They should improvise and they should be smart. They should have access to a library of information in their heads that is truly out of reach for the scale of what we can cognitively process. »

For Mason, it's not about excluding humans from the process entirely. It's just about moving them from a production role to a director role. More than that, the role of AI is not seen as content creation itself.

It's a framework that content creators can create with.

There is a problem, however. Like many newly popular technologies, many people are doing their own thing. This level of fragmentation is a problem that needs to be addressed.

"The current situation...it's a bit of a Wild West in the generative AI space," White commented. “AI researchers are not very good at creating products. They are particularly good at creating something and then moving on and simply letting it go. It helps us create new innovations and that kind of stuff, but the market is fragmented."

This is the same problem that virtual reality suffers from. Or the Metaverse as a viable thing. People who really care about it know it needs some kind of unification. People who really want to make money off of all this want their own thing to be the one that blows up.

The potential of AI in games is enormous. It's hard to overstate how huge that could be. If game developers can get the AI ​​tools that AI enthusiasts are sure can exist, it could be a whole new world for game makers.

GamesBeat's credo when covering the gaming industry is "where passion meets business". What does that mean? We want to tell you how much the news means to you, not only as a decision maker in a game studio, but also as a game fan. Whether you read our articles, listen to our podcasts, or watch our videos, GamesBeat will help you learn about and engage with the industry. Discover our Briefings.

Exploring the potential of generative AI in games

Connect with the top leaders in gaming in Los Angeles during GamesBeat Summit 2023 on May 22-23. Register here.

Beamable's Jon Radoff, Inworld AI's Kylan Gibbs, Berkeley Synthetic's Matt White, and Hidden Door's Hilary Mason sat down at GamesBeat Summit to talk about the potential of generative AI in games, today and in the future. the future.

There is one thing we probably all agree on when it comes to AI in games. Anything a human could oversee in a gaming experience has the potential to overwhelm a human with complexity. The perception of generative AI in games is primarily aimed at work use. Much of the conversation focuses on creation and its potential impact on workers.

But there is another angle. AI as content administrators and enablers. Think of a game like Destiny 2, with its small open-world events. They're fun the first few times, but the whole process gets a bit stale. Imagine what an AI could accomplish if it was there to mix and match content. Or if it could scale entire events based on the number of people in the area.

This approach to AI is kind of at the heart of Hidden Door's business model.


GamesBeat Summit 2023

Join the GamesBeat community in Los Angeles on May 22-23. You'll hear from the brightest minds in the gaming industry to share their updates on the latest developments.

register here

"The thing we're building couldn't be built without the underlying technology," Mason said. “You could create a similar experience, but you would have to put a human in it. They should improvise and they should be smart. They should have access to a library of information in their heads that is truly out of reach for the scale of what we can cognitively process. »

For Mason, it's not about excluding humans from the process entirely. It's just about moving them from a production role to a director role. More than that, the role of AI is not seen as content creation itself.

It's a framework that content creators can create with.

There is a problem, however. Like many newly popular technologies, many people are doing their own thing. This level of fragmentation is a problem that needs to be addressed.

"The current situation...it's a bit of a Wild West in the generative AI space," White commented. “AI researchers are not very good at creating products. They are particularly good at creating something and then moving on and simply letting it go. It helps us create new innovations and that kind of stuff, but the market is fragmented."

This is the same problem that virtual reality suffers from. Or the Metaverse as a viable thing. People who really care about it know it needs some kind of unification. People who really want to make money off of all this want their own thing to be the one that blows up.

The potential of AI in games is enormous. It's hard to overstate how huge that could be. If game developers can get the AI ​​tools that AI enthusiasts are sure can exist, it could be a whole new world for game makers.

GamesBeat's credo when covering the gaming industry is "where passion meets business". What does that mean? We want to tell you how much the news means to you, not only as a decision maker in a game studio, but also as a game fan. Whether you read our articles, listen to our podcasts, or watch our videos, GamesBeat will help you learn about and engage with the industry. Discover our Briefings.

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