Father Edeh and the virgin (under)graduates of Madonna University

NIGERIA as A entity East A great lamba. And SO defraud artists to treat Nigerians has fabulous stories is not it outstanding. Nigerians to wait for has be lied has. A certain Prophet WHO executed WWE fantasies while affirming has to drive deliverance sessions recently boasted that THE little respite In THE exchange rate arose Since her spiritual intervention. However, things took A new turn last week When THE founder of Madonna University, Okija, Anambra State, Reverend Father Emmanuelle Edeh, dizzy THE world. Hear him: "Girls WHO enter THE university as virgins diploma as virgins. Say Me any of them other university In THE entire world that can maintain This. That East Why people Since London, America, England, Germany – when I meet them, they will say Father, We to want has marry A girl WHO East A virgin. And THE only path has TO DO that East has come has Madonna University. »

Oh There ! Lucifer, THE father of lies, must be having himself A copious laugh has This statement! And SO must THE The politicians And Yahoo Boys WHO to have do wicked things with Madonna Ladies. How did THE Reverend Gentleman determine THE virginity of Madonna Ladies? Did he Or THE school check them out? Things would be be enough rough For THE cleric if THE army of unhappy Men married has Madonna graduates to set down socket on him! In any of them case, Nigerians would be reminder THE popular actor, Nédu Wazobie, document how her relationship crushed during her Madonna University days. Apparently, her girlfriend, A student of THE even university, was A generous giver. Among THE myriad of reactions, Bidemi Edward, A confessed former student of THE institution, declared that She was No young lady When She diploma. Even if Edward had not volunteer This piece of intelligence, he would be always to have has been impossible not has hindsight has Father that of Edeh audacity. THE issue he raised East not searchable. You see, In research methodology, A of THE First of all things each learned must bear In spirit East that of not searchable questions, by which We mean THE kind of research that would be not produce results that are valid And replicable. It is as ask WHO enjoys privacy more between Men And women.

Age And Status confer THE RIGHT has address sexual problems. But Why would be A man sworn has celibacy TO DO lascivious declarations? GOOD, intense sexual speech has characterized priests sworn has celibacy For millennia. THE sexual deletion of priests often find expression In THE harsh handling of perceived sinners And respectful interest In sexual imported. Priests to have A swell time listen has fornicators And adulterers. If they to have has teach the reproduction In A biology class, they give chart details. Of course, priests watch erotic And to commit In autonomous driving. In Kunle Afolayan October 1st, We to have This wicked enunciation by THE rapist Round Father Dowling: “Aderopo, It is time For your prayers." Pray of course means sexual violation.

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In THE November 23, 2012 editing of THE Sydney Morning Herald, THE author, Desmond Zwar, remember interviews with certain priests on handling sexual desire. A said: "I am 45 And I TO DO to have sexual desires. What TO DO I TO DO about he? I recognize them First of all of all. I don't do it pretend they are not there. I don't do it to try And to drive them far. I ask What My body East trying has say Me – My body East narrative Me I am always A normal male. But There is A message Since God as GOOD." Of course, THE appropriate thing East has dump THE dress And get married – and clerics tender has be particularly expert has selection beautiful women - but It is next to THE period.

A certain Father X WHO spoke has THE The bone Angeles Times' Steve Lopes offers A pragmatic suggestion: "Celibacy should has be A option, not A requirement, especially given THE shortage of priests In THE United States.” Interrogates about A alleged relationship with A women, Father X said: "There were several relationships. Four serious those. » What A truthful priest! THE following East Since THE June 14, 2002 editing of THE Chicago Tribune: "A lot priests either repress their sexuality And dangerously Stop their psycho-sexual development has considerable risk has themselves And others, Or they act out their sexuality In manners that are less franc And honorable." Exactly.

In exemplifying This scenario, I can find, on A literary plane, No better example that Father Drumont In mongo Beti THE poor Christ of Bomb. In This novel, THE church confiscated people wives (has be) And boundaries them In THE sixa, A building Or Before marriage training In Christian be a woman East supposed has take place. THE Father Superior, Round Drumont, think he has civilized THE Ladies, but as he discover towards THE END of THE novel, her entire religion has In fact has been A joke. For not only to have THE supposedly chaste Ladies of THE ...

Father Edeh and the virgin (under)graduates of Madonna University

NIGERIA as A entity East A great lamba. And SO defraud artists to treat Nigerians has fabulous stories is not it outstanding. Nigerians to wait for has be lied has. A certain Prophet WHO executed WWE fantasies while affirming has to drive deliverance sessions recently boasted that THE little respite In THE exchange rate arose Since her spiritual intervention. However, things took A new turn last week When THE founder of Madonna University, Okija, Anambra State, Reverend Father Emmanuelle Edeh, dizzy THE world. Hear him: "Girls WHO enter THE university as virgins diploma as virgins. Say Me any of them other university In THE entire world that can maintain This. That East Why people Since London, America, England, Germany – when I meet them, they will say Father, We to want has marry A girl WHO East A virgin. And THE only path has TO DO that East has come has Madonna University. »

Oh There ! Lucifer, THE father of lies, must be having himself A copious laugh has This statement! And SO must THE The politicians And Yahoo Boys WHO to have do wicked things with Madonna Ladies. How did THE Reverend Gentleman determine THE virginity of Madonna Ladies? Did he Or THE school check them out? Things would be be enough rough For THE cleric if THE army of unhappy Men married has Madonna graduates to set down socket on him! In any of them case, Nigerians would be reminder THE popular actor, Nédu Wazobie, document how her relationship crushed during her Madonna University days. Apparently, her girlfriend, A student of THE even university, was A generous giver. Among THE myriad of reactions, Bidemi Edward, A confessed former student of THE institution, declared that She was No young lady When She diploma. Even if Edward had not volunteer This piece of intelligence, he would be always to have has been impossible not has hindsight has Father that of Edeh audacity. THE issue he raised East not searchable. You see, In research methodology, A of THE First of all things each learned must bear In spirit East that of not searchable questions, by which We mean THE kind of research that would be not produce results that are valid And replicable. It is as ask WHO enjoys privacy more between Men And women.

Age And Status confer THE RIGHT has address sexual problems. But Why would be A man sworn has celibacy TO DO lascivious declarations? GOOD, intense sexual speech has characterized priests sworn has celibacy For millennia. THE sexual deletion of priests often find expression In THE harsh handling of perceived sinners And respectful interest In sexual imported. Priests to have A swell time listen has fornicators And adulterers. If they to have has teach the reproduction In A biology class, they give chart details. Of course, priests watch erotic And to commit In autonomous driving. In Kunle Afolayan October 1st, We to have This wicked enunciation by THE rapist Round Father Dowling: “Aderopo, It is time For your prayers." Pray of course means sexual violation.

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In THE November 23, 2012 editing of THE Sydney Morning Herald, THE author, Desmond Zwar, remember interviews with certain priests on handling sexual desire. A said: "I am 45 And I TO DO to have sexual desires. What TO DO I TO DO about he? I recognize them First of all of all. I don't do it pretend they are not there. I don't do it to try And to drive them far. I ask What My body East trying has say Me – My body East narrative Me I am always A normal male. But There is A message Since God as GOOD." Of course, THE appropriate thing East has dump THE dress And get married – and clerics tender has be particularly expert has selection beautiful women - but It is next to THE period.

A certain Father X WHO spoke has THE The bone Angeles Times' Steve Lopes offers A pragmatic suggestion: "Celibacy should has be A option, not A requirement, especially given THE shortage of priests In THE United States.” Interrogates about A alleged relationship with A women, Father X said: "There were several relationships. Four serious those. » What A truthful priest! THE following East Since THE June 14, 2002 editing of THE Chicago Tribune: "A lot priests either repress their sexuality And dangerously Stop their psycho-sexual development has considerable risk has themselves And others, Or they act out their sexuality In manners that are less franc And honorable." Exactly.

In exemplifying This scenario, I can find, on A literary plane, No better example that Father Drumont In mongo Beti THE poor Christ of Bomb. In This novel, THE church confiscated people wives (has be) And boundaries them In THE sixa, A building Or Before marriage training In Christian be a woman East supposed has take place. THE Father Superior, Round Drumont, think he has civilized THE Ladies, but as he discover towards THE END of THE novel, her entire religion has In fact has been A joke. For not only to have THE supposedly chaste Ladies of THE ...

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