Friday Sermon: The Virtue of Reciting Salutations and Blessings (Salats) on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), By Murtadha Gusau

"Some scholars are of the view that the meaning of Allah's blessing is to elevate the Prophet Muhammad (peace_be_upon_him) to al-maqam al-mahmud (the glorious station), the place from which he will intercede with Allah Almighty on behalf of his Community (Ummah).The invocation (offering) of blessings upon the Prophet in Arabic is "Salawat", or "salat ala an-nabi", or "Salatus-Salam ".

Friday, December 23, 2022 (Jumadal Ula 29, 1444 AH)

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful

All praise is to Allah, we praise Him, we seek His help, we seek His forgiveness and we seek refuge with Allah from the evils of our own souls and the wickedness of our deeds. no one can mislead him, and whoever Allah allows to go astray, no one can guide him to the straight path.

I bear witness and testify that there is no deity worthy of worship in truth but Allah, alone, without any partner. And I bear witness and testify that Muhammad (peace_be_upon_him) is his servant and messenger. As for what's next:

Dear brothers and sisters! Today I would like to start my Friday article by highlighting the fact that reciting greetings and blessings on the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) is one of the prescriptions of Islam, as clearly shown the following Quranic verse:

"Verily, Allah and His angels send blessings (showers) upon the Prophet, O you who believe! Send upon him blessings and greet him fully in abundance. [Surat al-Ahzab: 56]

Allah Almighty in the Noble Quran has commanded us to perform many things such as Salah, Zakat, Fasting, Hajj, etc. In many verses He also praised His Prophets and described their good qualities. When He created Adam (AS) and ordered the Angels to make Sajdah (prostration) to him, He did not say in any of His instructions: "I (Allah) do it, therefore you should do the same."< /p>

Atiku-Okowa AD

This honor was exclusively for our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Here in the above verse, Allah Almighty first attributed the Salawat (recitation of blessings) to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), first to Himself, then to His angels, and after that enjoined the Muslims to do the same, saying:

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“Surely Allah and His Angels send blessings upon the Prophet, O you who believe! Send him blessings and greet him fully in abundance. »

Respected servants of Allah! Truly, there can be no greater honor for the Believers than this, who have been favored with a share in this Divine Deed by Almighty Allah and His Angels.

Sending prayers upon Prophet Muhammad (peace_be_upon_him) is important, but unfortunately there is a sad tendency among Muslims today to overlook and downplay the importance of our welfare -beloved Prophet (peace be upon him).

Kogi AD

But it is a well-known fact that devotion to the Messenger of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) is one of the essential duties of a believer. Devotion to him should actually exceed the love we have for our property, our relatives and friends, and our offspring. Devotion to the Prophet is the proof of true faith. This devotion includes, among other things, sending blessings upon him to show him gratitude and acknowledge his many favors, as befits his position. I...

Friday Sermon: The Virtue of Reciting Salutations and Blessings (Salats) on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), By Murtadha Gusau

"Some scholars are of the view that the meaning of Allah's blessing is to elevate the Prophet Muhammad (peace_be_upon_him) to al-maqam al-mahmud (the glorious station), the place from which he will intercede with Allah Almighty on behalf of his Community (Ummah).The invocation (offering) of blessings upon the Prophet in Arabic is "Salawat", or "salat ala an-nabi", or "Salatus-Salam ".

Friday, December 23, 2022 (Jumadal Ula 29, 1444 AH)

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful

All praise is to Allah, we praise Him, we seek His help, we seek His forgiveness and we seek refuge with Allah from the evils of our own souls and the wickedness of our deeds. no one can mislead him, and whoever Allah allows to go astray, no one can guide him to the straight path.

I bear witness and testify that there is no deity worthy of worship in truth but Allah, alone, without any partner. And I bear witness and testify that Muhammad (peace_be_upon_him) is his servant and messenger. As for what's next:

Dear brothers and sisters! Today I would like to start my Friday article by highlighting the fact that reciting greetings and blessings on the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) is one of the prescriptions of Islam, as clearly shown the following Quranic verse:

"Verily, Allah and His angels send blessings (showers) upon the Prophet, O you who believe! Send upon him blessings and greet him fully in abundance. [Surat al-Ahzab: 56]

Allah Almighty in the Noble Quran has commanded us to perform many things such as Salah, Zakat, Fasting, Hajj, etc. In many verses He also praised His Prophets and described their good qualities. When He created Adam (AS) and ordered the Angels to make Sajdah (prostration) to him, He did not say in any of His instructions: "I (Allah) do it, therefore you should do the same."< /p>

Atiku-Okowa AD

This honor was exclusively for our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Here in the above verse, Allah Almighty first attributed the Salawat (recitation of blessings) to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), first to Himself, then to His angels, and after that enjoined the Muslims to do the same, saying:

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“Surely Allah and His Angels send blessings upon the Prophet, O you who believe! Send him blessings and greet him fully in abundance. »

Respected servants of Allah! Truly, there can be no greater honor for the Believers than this, who have been favored with a share in this Divine Deed by Almighty Allah and His Angels.

Sending prayers upon Prophet Muhammad (peace_be_upon_him) is important, but unfortunately there is a sad tendency among Muslims today to overlook and downplay the importance of our welfare -beloved Prophet (peace be upon him).

Kogi AD

But it is a well-known fact that devotion to the Messenger of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) is one of the essential duties of a believer. Devotion to him should actually exceed the love we have for our property, our relatives and friends, and our offspring. Devotion to the Prophet is the proof of true faith. This devotion includes, among other things, sending blessings upon him to show him gratitude and acknowledge his many favors, as befits his position. I...

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