Gisele Bundchen proudly snaps photos of her daughter Vivian, 10, during a riding lesson after divorce from Tom Brady

See the gallery New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, wife Gisele Bundchen and family arrive for NFL football tour in Atlanta ahead of Super Bowl 53 against the Los Angeles Rams Patriots Rams Super Bowl Football, Atlanta, USA - February 02, 2019 EXCLUSIVE: Newly single Gisele Bundchen looks happy as she takes her daughter Vivian to a riding lesson in Miami. December 10, 2022 Pictured Photo credit: MEGA +1 888 505 6342 (Mega Agency TagID: MEGA925073_029.jpg) [Photo via Mega Agency] EXCLUSIVE: Newly single Gisele Bundchen looks happy as she takes her daughter Vivian to a riding lesson in Miami. December 10, 2022 Pictured : Gisele Bundchen Photo Credit: MEGA +1 888 505 6342 (Mega Agency TagID: MEGA925073_047.jpg) [Photo via Mega Agency]

Gisele Bundchen, 42, looked like an incredibly proud mum during her daughter Vivian's final riding lesson. The model, who recently split from Vivian's father, Tom Brady, 45, was spotted snapping photos of the 10-year-old while dressed in a casual outfit that included a tank top gray and jeans. She also had her long hair down and accessorized with sunglasses.

More infoGisele Bundchen

Gisele Bundchen proudly snaps photos of her daughter Vivian, 10, during a riding lesson after divorce from Tom Brady
See the gallery New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, wife Gisele Bundchen and family arrive for NFL football tour in Atlanta ahead of Super Bowl 53 against the Los Angeles Rams Patriots Rams Super Bowl Football, Atlanta, USA - February 02, 2019 EXCLUSIVE: Newly single Gisele Bundchen looks happy as she takes her daughter Vivian to a riding lesson in Miami. December 10, 2022 Pictured Photo credit: MEGA +1 888 505 6342 (Mega Agency TagID: MEGA925073_029.jpg) [Photo via Mega Agency] EXCLUSIVE: Newly single Gisele Bundchen looks happy as she takes her daughter Vivian to a riding lesson in Miami. December 10, 2022 Pictured : Gisele Bundchen Photo Credit: MEGA +1 888 505 6342 (Mega Agency TagID: MEGA925073_047.jpg) [Photo via Mega Agency]

Gisele Bundchen, 42, looked like an incredibly proud mum during her daughter Vivian's final riding lesson. The model, who recently split from Vivian's father, Tom Brady, 45, was spotted snapping photos of the 10-year-old while dressed in a casual outfit that included a tank top gray and jeans. She also had her long hair down and accessorized with sunglasses.

More infoGisele Bundchen

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