Gwyneth Paltrow says Nepo Baby label is an 'ugly nickname'

Gwyneth Paltrow in 2023Image source, Getty Images
By Annabel Rackham and Ian YoungsEntertainment Reporters

Gwyneth Paltrow said calling someone a "nepo baby" is an "ugly nickname" and that the children of famous people should not be judged negatively.

The term refers to suggestions of nepotism when a young person follows in the footsteps of their famous parents.

"Now he "There's this whole culture of nepo babies, and there's this judgment that exists with children of famous people," the 51-year-old actress said.

"But there's nothing wrong with doing or wanting to do what your parents do."

Paltrow herself falls into this category as the daughter of actress Blythe Danner and director Bruce Paltrow.

The Oscar-winning star, who also runs wellness brand Goop, has two children with Coldplay frontman Chris Martin.

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Gwyneth Paltrow says Nepo Baby label is an 'ugly nickname'
Gwyneth Paltrow in 2023Image source, Getty Images
By Annabel Rackham and Ian YoungsEntertainment Reporters

Gwyneth Paltrow said calling someone a "nepo baby" is an "ugly nickname" and that the children of famous people should not be judged negatively.

The term refers to suggestions of nepotism when a young person follows in the footsteps of their famous parents.

"Now he "There's this whole culture of nepo babies, and there's this judgment that exists with children of famous people," the 51-year-old actress said.

"But there's nothing wrong with doing or wanting to do what your parents do."

Paltrow herself falls into this category as the daughter of actress Blythe Danner and director Bruce Paltrow.

The Oscar-winning star, who also runs wellness brand Goop, has two children with Coldplay frontman Chris Martin.

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