Hearts of Oak FC: A jewel of African football

Adorn THE from South side of THE Gulf of Guinea East Ghana animated, metropolitan capital: Accra. Home has on 2.5 million, of which 56% are below THE age of 24, Accra East become Never more Cosmopolitan. Museums, libraries, galleries, And skyscrapers are envelope by dazzling beaches, appreciated by thousands each day, Before A vibrant to party scene bursts In THE the city bars And clubs When THE sun go down. Accra Also Houses A jewel of African soccer: Hearts of Oak FC. With A history history elongation back has THE before independence, colonial time of Ghana, Hearts are A of West Africa the oldest survivor clubs, And Ghana most decorated.

African football, Ghana Premier League, Hearts of Oak, Asante Kotoko , Phobians, Accra, CAF Champions League Artwork by Onkar Shirsekar

Originally In 1911, THE club was shape by A band of young Men Since Usher City directed by Christopher Brandford Nettey, with THE even band Also acting as THE playing team during these formative years. But due has social And economic uncertainty gripping Ghana has This time, Hearts were strength has wait until 1922 For their First of all Really competitive action And Indeed their First of all trophy - the year that THE governor of THE previously appointed 'Gold Side', Sir Gordon Guggisberg, founded THE Accra Soccer League.

After winner THE inaugural version, Hearts went on has earn 6 of THE 12 editions of THE tournament, which stepped over on 30 years Before be replaced by THE Ghana First League (LPG). This competition exist as THE the nation first soccer event has This day.

A spark becomes A flame

THE training of THE LPG, THE the nation First of all professional, organized tournament, In 1956 coincided with A policy And national climacteric For Ghana. Ghana 'New Assembly' pass A movement to allow THE government has request independence Since THE British Commonwealth, And on 6 March 1957, Ghana became THE First of all country In Sub-Saharan Africa has reach It is sovereignty.

In TRUE pioneer style, Hearts of Oak won THE inaugural season of THE Ghana First League And to have amassed A impressive 21 championships Since. In do, Hearts were SO dominant In THE late 1950s And early 60s that their noisy supporters invented THE name Phobians (translated has 'fear' In THE native language) because teams were said has be terrified of playing them! THE nickname has blocked has This day, And songs of “Phooooobia » reverberate around THE 40,000 places Accra Sports Stadium, create A pressure cooker atmosphere has House arrangements. Ancient players, including 7 time Ghanaian First League winner lurch Amankwah Mireku, comment on THE imposing nature of THE singing And how he invigorates THE team; opposition Fans And players Also describe their reluctant admiration of THE iconic...

Hearts of Oak FC: A jewel of African football

Adorn THE from South side of THE Gulf of Guinea East Ghana animated, metropolitan capital: Accra. Home has on 2.5 million, of which 56% are below THE age of 24, Accra East become Never more Cosmopolitan. Museums, libraries, galleries, And skyscrapers are envelope by dazzling beaches, appreciated by thousands each day, Before A vibrant to party scene bursts In THE the city bars And clubs When THE sun go down. Accra Also Houses A jewel of African soccer: Hearts of Oak FC. With A history history elongation back has THE before independence, colonial time of Ghana, Hearts are A of West Africa the oldest survivor clubs, And Ghana most decorated.

African football, Ghana Premier League, Hearts of Oak, Asante Kotoko , Phobians, Accra, CAF Champions League Artwork by Onkar Shirsekar

Originally In 1911, THE club was shape by A band of young Men Since Usher City directed by Christopher Brandford Nettey, with THE even band Also acting as THE playing team during these formative years. But due has social And economic uncertainty gripping Ghana has This time, Hearts were strength has wait until 1922 For their First of all Really competitive action And Indeed their First of all trophy - the year that THE governor of THE previously appointed 'Gold Side', Sir Gordon Guggisberg, founded THE Accra Soccer League.

After winner THE inaugural version, Hearts went on has earn 6 of THE 12 editions of THE tournament, which stepped over on 30 years Before be replaced by THE Ghana First League (LPG). This competition exist as THE the nation first soccer event has This day.

A spark becomes A flame

THE training of THE LPG, THE the nation First of all professional, organized tournament, In 1956 coincided with A policy And national climacteric For Ghana. Ghana 'New Assembly' pass A movement to allow THE government has request independence Since THE British Commonwealth, And on 6 March 1957, Ghana became THE First of all country In Sub-Saharan Africa has reach It is sovereignty.

In TRUE pioneer style, Hearts of Oak won THE inaugural season of THE Ghana First League And to have amassed A impressive 21 championships Since. In do, Hearts were SO dominant In THE late 1950s And early 60s that their noisy supporters invented THE name Phobians (translated has 'fear' In THE native language) because teams were said has be terrified of playing them! THE nickname has blocked has This day, And songs of “Phooooobia » reverberate around THE 40,000 places Accra Sports Stadium, create A pressure cooker atmosphere has House arrangements. Ancient players, including 7 time Ghanaian First League winner lurch Amankwah Mireku, comment on THE imposing nature of THE singing And how he invigorates THE team; opposition Fans And players Also describe their reluctant admiration of THE iconic...

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