Highlighting 13 notable facts about former President Buhari at 81

As he Brands her 81st birthday Today, Sunday December 17, roughly six month After THE completion of her two terms as President of Nigeria, Muhammadu that of Buhari history keep on going has resonate with A nation that values honesty, responsibility And compassion.

He East A occasion has reflect on 13 high facts In THE life of THE ancient President, moments has remember as he calmly Brands This birthday In her hometown, Daura with clear directive that there will be No public events marking THE second hand.

THE First of all thing has say East that he was born on 17 December 1942, In THE historical city of Daura NOW In Katsina State. Her father was called Mallam Hardo Adamu, A Fulani clan leader Since Dumurkol In Mai'Adua local government area And her mother, of which name was Zulaihat, had Hausa And Kanouri ancestry.

Two, Buhari joined THE army Soon After exit secondary school And had Never work out THE military until her retirement After THE realization of THE high rank of A general.

As A officer, he participated In THE civil war all along THE period he lasted And did not, even once, attempt has leave THE in front with excuses Or frivolous the reasons as a lot had do. He did not suffer any of them injury all along THE war And was A participant In THE coups And counter coups that characterized THE period of her service.

He order all but A of THE The army four divisions, served as Military secretary – A position he used has GOOD effect, regularization THE recordings of all officers, And For which reason he obtained THE shock of her life When, In THE run up has THE 2015 presidential election, A politically motivated Army Records Officer said that of Buhari secondary school certificate was not found – And After become Military Head of State After portion as governor And minister, oil.

Three, that of Buhari election victory In 2015 was A important milestone In her policy career having run For THE desk thrice, each time END up In THE Supreme Court challenge THE results Before This time When won A decisive mandate, with her to party rating THE The highest number of seats In THE National Assembly And THE control of A also high number of States through THE federation. This victory brand THE beginning of her mandate as THE President of Nigeria, And on THE completion of her constitutional two terms, he handed over on has another to party man, Asiwaju Bolas Ahmed Tinubu as president.

Four, In THE exercise of THE powers of her desk, President that of Buhari approach has governance often mirrored that of A advice president, emphasizing responsibility, efficiency And performance. This was A GOOD model. He hiring THE best hands he could to set down her hands on, gave them THE necessary resources And THE latitude of authority has give THE best they could has THE nation, although he Never lack A chance has talk directly has THE concerned the ministers, permanent secretaries, heads of agencies And business leaders has withdraw bottlenecks.

As attested has by has less two of her key the ministers, Governor Fachola And Zainab Ahmed, President Buhari Never called For A day has ask For staff service Or has say pay This Or that person, give This Or that contract has This Or that other person.

On A particular day, THE President called Laï Mohammed, her Minister of Information And Culture has ask For A service, Laï detained her breath as has What could This be.

“Lai can I ask You For A service?" request THE President, And THE of the Minister spirit began has race up And down as has What would be This First of all of A kind request be about. "Yes, Mr. President, please go ahead. »

THE President went on has say that he engaged himself has A event In Lagos, THE following day And that he simply can't go And was wondering if THE Minister would be squeeze out THE time has go And SO represent him. There And SO, Lai blood pressure de-escalation. Any of them Minister WHO failed has reach results below Buhari will Never succeed anywhere.

But as with All human, these features to have both garnered to rent out And shakes controversial For THE ancient President.

Five, When he took power, he announcement has THE open ground of her inauguration that THE Order And Control Centers of THE war against terrorism should to relocate has Maiduguri, THE capital of Borno of Borno State, THE epicenter of THE Boko Haram/ISWAP terrorism. By Can This year, THE military had insured THE release of all busy territories Since THE The Terrorists And THE activities of THE insurgents had has been limit has THE fringes of Lake Chad And THE Sambisa Forest.

A lot formerly moved people had income has their ancestral houses as peace income has THE so far conflict areas. THE Buhari administration gave THE nation A more gender sensitive Armed Forces And insured THE acquisition of military equipment And platforms on A ladder Never seen Since THE Civil War.

By her Activation And tirelessly support For THE Multinational Joint Stain Force – bringing forces Since Nigeria, Be...

Highlighting 13 notable facts about former President Buhari at 81

As he Brands her 81st birthday Today, Sunday December 17, roughly six month After THE completion of her two terms as President of Nigeria, Muhammadu that of Buhari history keep on going has resonate with A nation that values honesty, responsibility And compassion.

He East A occasion has reflect on 13 high facts In THE life of THE ancient President, moments has remember as he calmly Brands This birthday In her hometown, Daura with clear directive that there will be No public events marking THE second hand.

THE First of all thing has say East that he was born on 17 December 1942, In THE historical city of Daura NOW In Katsina State. Her father was called Mallam Hardo Adamu, A Fulani clan leader Since Dumurkol In Mai'Adua local government area And her mother, of which name was Zulaihat, had Hausa And Kanouri ancestry.

Two, Buhari joined THE army Soon After exit secondary school And had Never work out THE military until her retirement After THE realization of THE high rank of A general.

As A officer, he participated In THE civil war all along THE period he lasted And did not, even once, attempt has leave THE in front with excuses Or frivolous the reasons as a lot had do. He did not suffer any of them injury all along THE war And was A participant In THE coups And counter coups that characterized THE period of her service.

He order all but A of THE The army four divisions, served as Military secretary – A position he used has GOOD effect, regularization THE recordings of all officers, And For which reason he obtained THE shock of her life When, In THE run up has THE 2015 presidential election, A politically motivated Army Records Officer said that of Buhari secondary school certificate was not found – And After become Military Head of State After portion as governor And minister, oil.

Three, that of Buhari election victory In 2015 was A important milestone In her policy career having run For THE desk thrice, each time END up In THE Supreme Court challenge THE results Before This time When won A decisive mandate, with her to party rating THE The highest number of seats In THE National Assembly And THE control of A also high number of States through THE federation. This victory brand THE beginning of her mandate as THE President of Nigeria, And on THE completion of her constitutional two terms, he handed over on has another to party man, Asiwaju Bolas Ahmed Tinubu as president.

Four, In THE exercise of THE powers of her desk, President that of Buhari approach has governance often mirrored that of A advice president, emphasizing responsibility, efficiency And performance. This was A GOOD model. He hiring THE best hands he could to set down her hands on, gave them THE necessary resources And THE latitude of authority has give THE best they could has THE nation, although he Never lack A chance has talk directly has THE concerned the ministers, permanent secretaries, heads of agencies And business leaders has withdraw bottlenecks.

As attested has by has less two of her key the ministers, Governor Fachola And Zainab Ahmed, President Buhari Never called For A day has ask For staff service Or has say pay This Or that person, give This Or that contract has This Or that other person.

On A particular day, THE President called Laï Mohammed, her Minister of Information And Culture has ask For A service, Laï detained her breath as has What could This be.

“Lai can I ask You For A service?" request THE President, And THE of the Minister spirit began has race up And down as has What would be This First of all of A kind request be about. "Yes, Mr. President, please go ahead. »

THE President went on has say that he engaged himself has A event In Lagos, THE following day And that he simply can't go And was wondering if THE Minister would be squeeze out THE time has go And SO represent him. There And SO, Lai blood pressure de-escalation. Any of them Minister WHO failed has reach results below Buhari will Never succeed anywhere.

But as with All human, these features to have both garnered to rent out And shakes controversial For THE ancient President.

Five, When he took power, he announcement has THE open ground of her inauguration that THE Order And Control Centers of THE war against terrorism should to relocate has Maiduguri, THE capital of Borno of Borno State, THE epicenter of THE Boko Haram/ISWAP terrorism. By Can This year, THE military had insured THE release of all busy territories Since THE The Terrorists And THE activities of THE insurgents had has been limit has THE fringes of Lake Chad And THE Sambisa Forest.

A lot formerly moved people had income has their ancestral houses as peace income has THE so far conflict areas. THE Buhari administration gave THE nation A more gender sensitive Armed Forces And insured THE acquisition of military equipment And platforms on A ladder Never seen Since THE Civil War.

By her Activation And tirelessly support For THE Multinational Joint Stain Force – bringing forces Since Nigeria, Be...

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