Hollywood strike: Actors accuse NBCUniversal of turning up the heat with row of trees

Picketers outside NBCUniversal's Barham Gate in Los Angeles last monthImage source, EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock
By Paul GlynnEntertainment reporter

The giant of the film and television company NBCUniversal has denied trying to stop striking actors and writers from protesting outside its studios by cutting down trees that provided shade in scorching weather. s and artists.

Los Angeles City Comptroller Kenneth Mejia said "no tree trimming permits" had been issued for the location.

NBCUniversal officials have said the work was merely "annual landscaping".

But the studio said in a statement to the LA Times that the work had "created unforeseen challenges for protesters".

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Hollywood strike: Actors accuse NBCUniversal of turning up the heat with row of trees
Picketers outside NBCUniversal's Barham Gate in Los Angeles last monthImage source, EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock
By Paul GlynnEntertainment reporter

The giant of the film and television company NBCUniversal has denied trying to stop striking actors and writers from protesting outside its studios by cutting down trees that provided shade in scorching weather. s and artists.

Los Angeles City Comptroller Kenneth Mejia said "no tree trimming permits" had been issued for the location.

NBCUniversal officials have said the work was merely "annual landscaping".

But the studio said in a statement to the LA Times that the work had "created unforeseen challenges for protesters".

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