How Entrepreneurs Can Use Community Service for Growth

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

Many companies started by filling a need or solving a problem, and built their success by helping to make people's lives easier. This means that community service is a core value for many leaders, whether they realize it or not. It takes a special kind of strength to lead, and that strength is often found in dedication to larger goals.

The power of community service has become evident during the Covid-19 pandemic. As the pandemic has forced many businesses to close, some entrepreneurs have found ways to pivot and use their skills to help those in need.

For example, After-School-All-Stars, a national nonprofit that offers free after-school programs, quickly adapted its offerings to provide meals, distance learning, mental health support and much more. even more to students and families. Another example is , the giant, which has provided soap, sanitizer, bleach, fans, food and more to areas in need.

Related: The Power to Give Back: How Community Involvement Can Boost Your Bottom Line

Small businesses also participated in the event around the world. For example, global manufacturing company NJF Worldwide has become one of the main suppliers of PPE to the US government during the Covid-19 crisis. Founder Ryan Leonard, who started the company shortly after being honorably discharged from the U.S. military, brought with him the value of "selfless service."

Several other recent events have also shown how important community service can be for entrepreneurs. In the aftermath of the police killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, many business leaders have expressed the need for systemic change. And following the war in Ukraine, the freight company Meest-America shifted its focus to supporting Ukrainians.

What these examples have in common is that they show how community service can be used as a tool for growth. When entrepreneurs dedicate themselves to helping others, they open up new opportunities for themselves and their businesses. Acting on core values ​​can help build a community of loyal consumers and create an engaged workforce ready to work toward common goals. It can also help you strengthen your leadership skills and uncover new opportunities that can significantly grow your business.

Related: How Growing Businesses Can Prioritize Community Involvement

Create a community around your brand

When it comes to encouraging , creating a community around shared values ​​is essential. In a 2017 survey by Cone Communications, 87% of consumers said they would buy a product because the company championed an issue they cared about. Additionally, 75% said they would refuse to buy a product if they found out the company was championing issues against their beliefs.

Whether it's a community in your area or a community that comes together around a common issue, the service can help you build a brand identity around your values. In the case of NJF Worldwide, Leonard shared in a CEO Weekly article that he makes sure his community can always benefit from his business. He makes sure to share in his success by donating to local charities and sponsoring local nonprofits.

A commitment to service can help you become a leader, not just in your business, but in your community. It can also increase your brand visibility and awareness, setting your business apart from the competition through accountability and action. It can even help you find partnerships and business opportunities that align with your values.

Related: We offer time off to volunteer as a unique perk, but it's also good for business

Create a positive work culture

While the community...

How Entrepreneurs Can Use Community Service for Growth

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

Many companies started by filling a need or solving a problem, and built their success by helping to make people's lives easier. This means that community service is a core value for many leaders, whether they realize it or not. It takes a special kind of strength to lead, and that strength is often found in dedication to larger goals.

The power of community service has become evident during the Covid-19 pandemic. As the pandemic has forced many businesses to close, some entrepreneurs have found ways to pivot and use their skills to help those in need.

For example, After-School-All-Stars, a national nonprofit that offers free after-school programs, quickly adapted its offerings to provide meals, distance learning, mental health support and much more. even more to students and families. Another example is , the giant, which has provided soap, sanitizer, bleach, fans, food and more to areas in need.

Related: The Power to Give Back: How Community Involvement Can Boost Your Bottom Line

Small businesses also participated in the event around the world. For example, global manufacturing company NJF Worldwide has become one of the main suppliers of PPE to the US government during the Covid-19 crisis. Founder Ryan Leonard, who started the company shortly after being honorably discharged from the U.S. military, brought with him the value of "selfless service."

Several other recent events have also shown how important community service can be for entrepreneurs. In the aftermath of the police killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, many business leaders have expressed the need for systemic change. And following the war in Ukraine, the freight company Meest-America shifted its focus to supporting Ukrainians.

What these examples have in common is that they show how community service can be used as a tool for growth. When entrepreneurs dedicate themselves to helping others, they open up new opportunities for themselves and their businesses. Acting on core values ​​can help build a community of loyal consumers and create an engaged workforce ready to work toward common goals. It can also help you strengthen your leadership skills and uncover new opportunities that can significantly grow your business.

Related: How Growing Businesses Can Prioritize Community Involvement

Create a community around your brand

When it comes to encouraging , creating a community around shared values ​​is essential. In a 2017 survey by Cone Communications, 87% of consumers said they would buy a product because the company championed an issue they cared about. Additionally, 75% said they would refuse to buy a product if they found out the company was championing issues against their beliefs.

Whether it's a community in your area or a community that comes together around a common issue, the service can help you build a brand identity around your values. In the case of NJF Worldwide, Leonard shared in a CEO Weekly article that he makes sure his community can always benefit from his business. He makes sure to share in his success by donating to local charities and sponsoring local nonprofits.

A commitment to service can help you become a leader, not just in your business, but in your community. It can also increase your brand visibility and awareness, setting your business apart from the competition through accountability and action. It can even help you find partnerships and business opportunities that align with your values.

Related: We offer time off to volunteer as a unique perk, but it's also good for business

Create a positive work culture

While the community...

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