How long does it take for parents to get a child out of the house? Forty minutes, unless they forget the gym kit

Name: 40 minutes.

Appearance: A still damp shirt blow-dried; a butter-stained consent slip; a single shoe; a silent cry. Two thirds of a clock face. Look, honey, the big hand is already at eight!

Age: About 10 years older than when I woke up today.

What's going on? You seem exhausted. We talk about how long it takes for kids to leave the house in the morning.

A-ha. And it's been 40 minutes? On average, yes, according to a survey of 1,000 parents. That's thanks to the lines on cleaning your teeth, brushing your hair, and what to wear.

That seems pretty quick, frankly. I'm guessing they don't include the time after the door is finally closed: the HIIT workout of trying to bend a stiff ironing board, a screaming kid in a buggy, or carrying a "boneless" floppy disk on the street. The meditative examination of every Tennent can and condom discarded. The row "that presses the crossing button" and the forced stop every time you see a nice truck.

You forget the bags of books and the gym kits. Yes, that's right, we forget about them and have to go back for them.

Hey, nobody said parenthood was a picnic. No, in fact, 91% of parents surveyed said they had daily battles with their children over homework, vegetables and sunscreen.

What are the remaining 9%? Do? Lying, maybe. Or outsourcing.

Is there a better way? There are many helpful suggestions for a successful morning routine. some are sensible (always put your keys in the same place), but most seem optimistic about not being reduced to a human mash of despair by the daily grind. Get up earlier! Prepare packed lunches the night before! Create a task board with reward stickers! Invent a time machine before breakfast!

What does the trendy "gentle parents" movement say? Oh, do you know about that? Well, gentle parenting is all about validating your child's feelings and avoiding blame and coercion, so rather than saying, "Don't put your toothbrush in the dog bowl, you'll make us late." , you'd go with something like, "Hey, you seem to be having emotions this morning!"

Aren't we all. Of course, you could do everything right and still be hit with "Are you going to die?" just as the school gates appear. A classic. Given last-minute requests for £13.34 in exact change, a sugar-free snack for 30 people and a model Cologne Cathedral made from sustainably sourced matches, it's a wonder someone bother to get up.

< p class="dcr-kpil6a">Say, "I see you're cleaning my iPad with the toilet brush because putting your shoes on doesn't feel good today! Sometimes mornings are hard, aren't they?"

Don't say, "For the love of #! 're!@¡ #?!* Late."

How long does it take for parents to get a child out of the house? Forty minutes, unless they forget the gym kit

Name: 40 minutes.

Appearance: A still damp shirt blow-dried; a butter-stained consent slip; a single shoe; a silent cry. Two thirds of a clock face. Look, honey, the big hand is already at eight!

Age: About 10 years older than when I woke up today.

What's going on? You seem exhausted. We talk about how long it takes for kids to leave the house in the morning.

A-ha. And it's been 40 minutes? On average, yes, according to a survey of 1,000 parents. That's thanks to the lines on cleaning your teeth, brushing your hair, and what to wear.

That seems pretty quick, frankly. I'm guessing they don't include the time after the door is finally closed: the HIIT workout of trying to bend a stiff ironing board, a screaming kid in a buggy, or carrying a "boneless" floppy disk on the street. The meditative examination of every Tennent can and condom discarded. The row "that presses the crossing button" and the forced stop every time you see a nice truck.

You forget the bags of books and the gym kits. Yes, that's right, we forget about them and have to go back for them.

Hey, nobody said parenthood was a picnic. No, in fact, 91% of parents surveyed said they had daily battles with their children over homework, vegetables and sunscreen.

What are the remaining 9%? Do? Lying, maybe. Or outsourcing.

Is there a better way? There are many helpful suggestions for a successful morning routine. some are sensible (always put your keys in the same place), but most seem optimistic about not being reduced to a human mash of despair by the daily grind. Get up earlier! Prepare packed lunches the night before! Create a task board with reward stickers! Invent a time machine before breakfast!

What does the trendy "gentle parents" movement say? Oh, do you know about that? Well, gentle parenting is all about validating your child's feelings and avoiding blame and coercion, so rather than saying, "Don't put your toothbrush in the dog bowl, you'll make us late." , you'd go with something like, "Hey, you seem to be having emotions this morning!"

Aren't we all. Of course, you could do everything right and still be hit with "Are you going to die?" just as the school gates appear. A classic. Given last-minute requests for £13.34 in exact change, a sugar-free snack for 30 people and a model Cologne Cathedral made from sustainably sourced matches, it's a wonder someone bother to get up.

< p class="dcr-kpil6a">Say, "I see you're cleaning my iPad with the toilet brush because putting your shoes on doesn't feel good today! Sometimes mornings are hard, aren't they?"

Don't say, "For the love of #! 're!@¡ #?!* Late."

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