How we met: "We needed a drummer for our band and I thought we should definitely audition him"

As of April 2009, Caleb was living in Oakland, California and was the vocalist/bassist in an indie band. “We needed to find a drummer,” he recalls. His best friend, the band's guitarist, asked his younger brother's friend, John, to audition.

"I was in college in Santa Cruz and I wanted to take a break from my studies," says Jean. "I was already a big fan of the band and I was really excited when I heard that they wanted me to try out." they never actually met, Caleb says he has a "fuzzy memory" of John listening to one of his practices. "I don't know why, but I had a really good feeling for him," says- he."I had this weird flash of knowing that this was important and that we should definitely audition John."

The band quickly agreed to John joining them." Musically, he had a very light touch and the ability to hold back, which we all loved," Caleb says. Over the next few months, they got to know each other in practices, slowly building a friendship." I liked his sense of humor and his confidence. He was great fun to be around,” John says. He was dating someone else at the time, but when Caleb asked him out for ice cream at the end of the summer, John began to realize that there might be a mutual attraction between them. them.

"We come from the same small town, San Luis Obispo, and we love the same art very much," says Caleb. "And I thought he was really cute." By early fall, John had separated from his former boyfriend, and the couple began officially dating. Soon after, they moved in together in Oakland.

Caleb, left and John in 2020

In 2014, they got married in their hometown. “We had a really cheap wedding, celebrated with friends, family and a truckload of tacos, but it was awesome. Everyone loved it,” Caleb says. Two years later, the couple briefly moved to New York for Caleb's job as a librarian, but soon decided they were missing out on California and returned. Later that same year, John's mother died suddenly. "Caleb was really supportive," says John. “Then, shortly thereafter, Donald Trump was elected. We were at a Hillary Clinton party when the news broke. At the time, Caleb had...

How we met: "We needed a drummer for our band and I thought we should definitely audition him"

As of April 2009, Caleb was living in Oakland, California and was the vocalist/bassist in an indie band. “We needed to find a drummer,” he recalls. His best friend, the band's guitarist, asked his younger brother's friend, John, to audition.

"I was in college in Santa Cruz and I wanted to take a break from my studies," says Jean. "I was already a big fan of the band and I was really excited when I heard that they wanted me to try out." they never actually met, Caleb says he has a "fuzzy memory" of John listening to one of his practices. "I don't know why, but I had a really good feeling for him," says- he."I had this weird flash of knowing that this was important and that we should definitely audition John."

The band quickly agreed to John joining them." Musically, he had a very light touch and the ability to hold back, which we all loved," Caleb says. Over the next few months, they got to know each other in practices, slowly building a friendship." I liked his sense of humor and his confidence. He was great fun to be around,” John says. He was dating someone else at the time, but when Caleb asked him out for ice cream at the end of the summer, John began to realize that there might be a mutual attraction between them. them.

"We come from the same small town, San Luis Obispo, and we love the same art very much," says Caleb. "And I thought he was really cute." By early fall, John had separated from his former boyfriend, and the couple began officially dating. Soon after, they moved in together in Oakland.

Caleb, left and John in 2020

In 2014, they got married in their hometown. “We had a really cheap wedding, celebrated with friends, family and a truckload of tacos, but it was awesome. Everyone loved it,” Caleb says. Two years later, the couple briefly moved to New York for Caleb's job as a librarian, but soon decided they were missing out on California and returned. Later that same year, John's mother died suddenly. "Caleb was really supportive," says John. “Then, shortly thereafter, Donald Trump was elected. We were at a Hillary Clinton party when the news broke. At the time, Caleb had...

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